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burning sensitivity in little finger
05/17/2014 12:31
05/17/2014 12:31
burning sensitivity in little finger

Hi I had the surgery about 18 days ago. and my little finger is very sensitive mostly from the top joint upward. If feels like its recently been burned, it also feels tinglely and numb, asleep. Im wondering if these are signs of nerve damage or will it eventually go away. its still a leiile swollen but I have two other fingers done and they are not as sensitive. I thing even before the surgery there was some numbness. Thanks Paul

05/17/2014 14:45
05/17/2014 14:45
Re: burning sensitivity in little finger

My little finger (90 degrees contracture) felt very similar to what you describe. Any pain (I had very little) gradually went away over the first month. The slight numbness feeling totally went away in the first year but it was never a problem. The finger is still perfect 12 years later.

05/17/2014 16:37
05/17/2014 16:37
Re: burning sensitivity in little finger

Hey thank you, Were you able ot get the pinki straight. and did that require sqishing it down 4 time a day?

05/17/2014 23:04
05/17/2014 23:04
Re: burning sensitivity in little finger

My finger is perfectly straight and the same as before I had Dupuytren's. I did all of the therapy on my own. Mostly I was flexing throughout the day whenever I thought about it. It quickly became a habit. I never did anything painful in the flexing. I kept the scar tissue moist 24/7 with Aveeno lotion which I would massage the finger. Then after about three or four weeks I would wrap the fist with a self adhesive bandage cut at about 10" long and formed like a rubber band to slip over the fist for about 10 minutes. I would do that about four times a day.

perfectly   sqishing   eventually   anything   surgery   tinglely   gradually   contracture   straight   recently   burning   wondering   whenever   sensitive   sensitivity   Dupuytren   describe   throughout   flexing   numbness