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can anything be done?
02/24/2009 01:54

not registered

02/24/2009 01:54

not registered

can anything be done?

I have DC in both hands. All my fingers on both hands have cords, but the ring fingers are the worst. My left ring finger is bending at the most distal joint (DIP?) but so far, this is the only finger with contracture. Both palms hurt. My left hand feels stiff and I notice less flexibility in it. The DC seems to be aggravated when I use my hands a lot - such as lifting heavy boxes, luggage, etc.

Does anything help at this stage? Heat, massage, splinting?

My father has had multiple surgeries plus NA (Larkspur). I will also have NA done - but it might be too early yet.

Any advice?? Thanks.

02/28/2009 21:15
02/28/2009 21:15
Re: can anything be done?

It sounds like you and I have similar progression of DC. I have little contracture but many nodules in my right palm and at the base of my thumb. There appear to be cords, too. I'm trying to decide if NA or RT is the appropriate treatment at this point. See my post of "02/28/09 01:29 Anyone know clinics or doctors who do both NA and RT? ... from flojo". I hope that someone will have knowledge of someone/doctor who does both and can weigh the benefits of each for my present condition. I have not found a doctor or clinic anywhere that does both, certainly here in the States. I haven't seen any noted or listed in Europe, either.
I think we may be in the same boat.

03/08/2009 00:06

not registered

03/08/2009 00:06

not registered

Re: can anything be done?

Thanks for your reply. Yep, it sounds like we're in the same boat. Since I posted here, I emailed Dr. Denkler in Larkspur. He tells me that NA won't help my ring finger as it is bent at the most distal joint (DIP?). He suggested steroid injections for the painful cords. I'll hold off on it until there's more contracture.

The radiation isn't an option for me because of the cost. I'm self-employed and have a REALLY high deductible.

self-employed   benefits   progression   splinting   suggested   treatment   injections   anything   radiation   appropriate   flexibility   knowledge   contracture   fingers   surgeries   certainly   aggravated   deductible   Larkspur   condition