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Can DC be prevented or are there early warning signs?
01/15/2011 08:06
01/15/2011 08:06
Can DC be prevented or are there early warning signs?

I am writing this post because I got peyronie's disease at a young age, and I have read there is a higher risk of getting DC once someone has PD. Also, I got PD under very odd circumstances. I had no injury, no radiation (for prostate cancer), and no other medical conditions ... it just appeared out of the blue. So, I'm thinking I might have some kind of genetic predisposition to fibrotic disorders like this. I am in the xiaflex trial with Auxillium but may be getting the placebo. That aside, I know that if I recognized it earlier, I would not be in as bad of a state I am now.

I could've been MUCH more aggressive and actually treated this problem rather than ignoring it or just being confused by the changes I was experiencing. One of the major front line treatments we use is pentoxifyline. I am not sure if DC patients use that drug, but it is anti-fibrotic. So, I was just wondering if I can do anything to prevent DC or to notice the very early warning signs. In PD, some of the earliest signs are loss of morning erections... which may not lead to PD but is NOT normal - and I just brushed it off - stupidly, for years. Also, for PD, there is a stretching device, that if used early (especially in combination with pentoxifiline) can be pretty effective. I got to all of this too late unfortunately. I probably had this for a full year before I even saw a doctor. It was all due to ignorance (who knew there was a disorder that shrinks and disfigures the penis??). So, I just want to educate myself about DC so the same thing doesn't happen twice. Thank you.

Edited 01/15/11 10:08

01/15/2011 08:31
01/15/2011 08:31

Re: Can DC be prevented or are there early warning signs?

Hi Australia Calling. The best advice I can give is to keep an eye on any nodules forming in your hands /feet and be aware of any knuckle pads forming on the joints of the fingers. Unfortunately progress is slow in identiying the causes of these three diseases. I was told 35 odd years ago that this disease was not life threatening so there is not much research or money being thrown at the disease. The drug you are taking may infact reduce the incidence of Dupentrens or Ledderhose. Keep us posted.
Regards from down under.

recognized   experiencing   stretching   disfigures   pentoxifyline   prevented   pentoxifiline   aggressive   Dupentrens   identiying   Ledderhose   unfortunately   anti-fibrotic   circumstances   conditions   combination   treatments   especially   predisposition   threatening