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Can you help please?
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07/14/2008 04:58
07/14/2008 04:58
Can you help please?

Hi this is my first post and looking for any help anyone can give. I have a very painful cyst about one inch down from where my middle finger joins my palm. It seems to be growing to the left at a downward slant angle. About eight months ago my rheumy said I had polymyalgia rheumatica and now more recently RA which causes pain in fingers and wrists, but the cyst only came up a month ago. He now says it is DC. I am really not in denial about the DC because I realize it could be even something worse, but everything I read says the DC is not painful and this is, plus so far it does not seem to be growing up towards my finger but slanted rather downward between the two top "lines" in my palm. Does this fit with way DC starts out? Any help is appreciated. Also, what can a hand specialist do about the pain? I am on Pred for the RA and it does not seem to be helping the cyst pain at all. Any help is appreciated.

07/14/2008 06:57
07/14/2008 06:57

Re: Can you help please?

Hi Australia Calling. Welcome to the forum:-
This disease has different effects of each of us . Many report pain ,heat and ichiness to the area , particularly when the disease is active. Some report no discomfort at all. I don't know if you aware but there is no cure.
You are new to this have a look on You Tube and type in Dupuytren . Have a look around .Do plenty of reading.
Don't Self Assess ,but your medical practitioner you say identified Morbus Dupuytren.

07/14/2008 11:37
07/14/2008 11:37
Re: Can you help please?

Thank you for your response Newman

09/03/2008 18:59
09/03/2008 18:59
Re: Can you help please?

Linda in California, U.S.A

Paula..Go to www.thehandcenter.org..It is Dr. Eaton's site..It gives a list of visiting doctors and what towns they are in and if they have web sites....There is alot of reading but, you will learn alot...

09/04/2008 05:50

not registered

09/04/2008 05:50

not registered

Re: Can you help please?

Linda, don't know whether you have seen that yet but there is a list of NA doctors in the US on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_list_North_America.html . It is kept pretty much up to date and naturally it lists more doctors than Dr. Eaton's visitor site (which has many other useful information on Dupuytren's).


09/04/2008 13:11
09/04/2008 13:11
Re: Can you help please?

Linda in California, U.S.A

Thank you Wolfgang for reminding me...I have seen it but ,got lost tuning the pages, so to speak..on my computer....That is why I print alot of things...It is a faster resource for me.. You guys are doing a great job of keeping up to date....

09/05/2008 12:54
09/05/2008 12:54
Re: Can you help please?

Thank you Wolfgang and Linda (again). If I could ask you one more question, please. I have seen NAC mentioned here, I know you can get NAC online as a supplement. HOw much is recommended to take and does it seem to help as far as you know? Also, could you please tell me, is it possible to get the knuckle pads (Garrods???) on the INSIDE of the knuckle, that is on the palm side of the hand? I have something coming up on the middle joint of the middle finger. I am going to call Dr. Hildreths office today to see if the do the Radiation therapy. Thank you again so much. Paula

09/05/2008 13:57


09/05/2008 13:57


Re: Can you help please?

Paula, you can find more on NAC on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/researc..._dupuytren.html . Please note that NAC is not a standard treatment for Dupuytren's, we had collected data from people who took it for whatever reason and had Dupuytren's or Ledderhose. It seems to have a positive effect but needs to be taken for 3-6 months to show effect. We don't have data what happens when you stop taking it (back to normal disease probably) and we don't recommend taking it long term. NAC is the chemical abbreviation, most medical companies sell it under a specific brand name, typical to dissolve slime & relieve cough.

Dr. Hildreth is a surgeon and does NA (http://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_list_North_America.html). he is familiar with Dupuytren's but I don't think he is involved in radiotherapy.


Edited at 09/05/08 16:59

09/05/2008 17:48
09/05/2008 17:48
Re: Can you help please?

Thank you very much, Wolfgang. I am literally at my wits end here. I know you said don't the disease run your life, but my hands are hurting so bad I don't know what to do. The weird things is that there is NOONE in my family back two generations who has had this condition. If anyone out there has any help for the pain please let me know. Thanks again

09/06/2008 02:01
09/06/2008 02:01
Re: Can you help please?

Linda in California, U.S.A..

Paula..I do not know anything about this new drug....When I first was getting this desease..d.d...way before my finger started to curl ..about 5 years earliler..I noticed that on my ring finger..at the joint..there was always a little puffy pad of skin..I look at my hands now and these have gotten alot larger with a flare up...soo.I AM quessing it was a cord forming along time ago...The cords are soft now..They will harden in time...

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information   Dupuytren   Wolfgang   everything   thehandcenter   generations   radiotherapy   polymyalgia   rheumatica   appreciated   practitioner   communication   symptomatic   Ledderhose   dupuytren-online   discomfort   recommended   particularly   abbreviation   California