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Choosing a surgeon in the UK
08/24/2011 15:10
08/24/2011 15:10
Choosing a surgeon in the UK

Having been told by my GP that the lumps on my fingers were ganglion cysts, the orthopaedic surgeon I saw today tells me that they are knuckle pads associated with Dupuytren's disease. As I already have been diagnosed with Lederhosen's Disease on my right foot, I'm not entirely surprised.

The surgeon was lovely and he agreed to do both hands at the same time, and under local, which is better for me and my work situation, but we did only talk about surgery as an option. My question is, does anyone know if it is possible to check on the reputation of surgeons in the UK? I am confident he is a "proper doctor" but I would like some reassurance that he is not trigger happy on the surgery front and I would feel better if I knew a bit more about his previous experience, results, awareness of other therapies etc.

Thanks for your comments.


08/24/2011 16:25


08/24/2011 16:25


Re: Choosing a surgeon in the UK

What part of the country are you in?

You could ask him directly for his experience of operating on Dupuytrens's and Knuckle pads, and the results.

You could ask if he runs a hand clinic and see if you can talk to fellow patients. Does he have a public website?

You could ask the PCT.

You could check he is a member of the society of hand surgeons http://www.bssh.ac.uk/ and the areas of speciality.

I'm a male with knuckle pads, a bit unsightly perhaps but I would not consider surgery to improve their appearance. Just saying. Each to their own.

08/24/2011 17:10
08/24/2011 17:10
Re: Choosing a surgeon in the UK

I'm in the north, near Leeds. The answer to all your other comments is no! From what I've read, there's an about even balance of negative/positive experiences for surgery for knuckle pads. They are growing apace and restricting some movement, so I had decided to go for surgery, but now I am not so sure...

thanks for your response!

08/24/2011 19:26


08/24/2011 19:26


Re: Choosing a surgeon in the UK

OK sorry I don't know anyone in the Leeds area. Maybe someone else will chime in. I found a clinic using google but I guess you have too. Personal recommendation is best.

Have you seen this old thread on the forum http://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_E...ed-0_561_1.html

The motion impingement sounds troublesome. There are reports using cortisone injections and urea cream to soften the pads, maybe that will help. But, if you do have surgery ensure the surgeon is an expert on treating Dupuytren's and not just a plastic surgeon or hand surgeon with not much experience in this area.

08/24/2011 20:42
08/24/2011 20:42
Re: Choosing a surgeon in the UK

I hadn't seen that thread, it was very useful, thank you. I guess I will be asking my GP to try a few other things before surgery...

09/07/2011 23:14
09/07/2011 23:14
Re: Choosing a surgeon in the UK

Heidi, inquire about Xiapex (Xiaflex in the US). Pfizer distributes it in Europe, Auxilium in the US.

restricting   troublesome   distributes   reputation   associated   Dupuytrens   recommendation   experiences   injections   appearance   surgeon   speciality   knuckle   impingement   surgery   orthopaedic   Choosing   dupuytren-online   reassurance   experience