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Collagen products and DD
02/19/2014 14:51
02/19/2014 14:51
Collagen products and DD

I have been using shampoo that is made up of collagen and biotin. I also use a face creme that is pure collagen.

My question: Since this disease is made up of excess collagen
Am I adding fuel to the fire by using these products?

Also what other products am I to stay away from?

Thank you

02/20/2014 06:57


02/20/2014 06:57


Re: Collagen products and DD

Jolene, I believe and I am pretty sure that you won't foster Dupuytren's with these products. If you would eat things that stimulate collagen building that might potentially make DD a little more aggressive but a cream or shampoo shouldn't do any harm with respect to Dupuytren's.


02/25/2014 01:35
02/25/2014 01:35
Re: Collagen products and DD

Wolfgang- Do you know what foods stimulate collagen excess in DC? I am also aware that certain supplements and medications can do the same. I would like to know if phenobarbital long-term use can make DC worse. I saw some clinical evidence but can't remember where.

Thanks, Lorraine

02/25/2014 06:16


02/25/2014 06:16


Re: Collagen products and DD


I am not aware of any clear evidence that specific food affects Dupuytren's. Many diets hve been suggested but none of those has a proven effect http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...s_research.html. Only alcohol has been shown to measurably increase the risk to develop Dupuytren's (R. Lenting et al. "Prevalence of Dupuytren disease in The Netherlands" Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013 Aug;132(2):394-403). Already drinking of two glasses of wine or beer per day make a clearly measurable difference.

Some medications might forster Dupuytren disease http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr..._therapies.html but the evidence is not very clear.


Wolfgang- Do you know what foods stimulate collagen excess in DC? I am also aware that certain supplements and medications can do the same. I would like to know if phenobarbital long-term use can make DC worse. I saw some clinical evidence but can't remember where.

Thanks, Lorraine

02/25/2014 10:27
02/25/2014 10:27
Re: Collagen products and DD

Hi Lorraine, Wolfgang,
This page may be of interest re the effects of phenobarbital/phenobarbitone....



02/25/2014 20:37
02/25/2014 20:37
Re: Collagen products and DD

BEETS are they safe?

I wonder if beets can play a role in promoting the disease.

The reason: Glutathione is in beets.
by chance, Is this the same as glucosamine?

I do know that glucosamine can aid in the progression of this disease. Therefor do not take it orally or use any lotions that have this ingredient such as EMU lotion.

I put one fresh beet in my protein smoothie every morning.

Please if anyone is knowledgeable in this area let me know.

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