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Connection between tendinitis and Dupuytren's?
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04/21/2013 19:59
04/21/2013 19:59
Connection between tendinitis and Dupuytren's?

At approximately the same time that my Dupuyten’s appeared (3 years ago), I also came down with a severe case of tendinitis in my forearms just above my wrists on the palm side of my arms. It was so bad that I could no longer wring a washcloth, play the piano, or drive, among other limitations. The doctor assumed that it was a repetitive stress injury due to my excessive piano playing (4+ hours/day). Then, after my radiation treatments, the tendinitis greatly improved to the point that I thought it was history. However, in the last few weeks it has again returned to limit my activities. At the same time, I’ve also noticed that my Dupuytren’s has also become more active – a new nodule and some itching.

I’m wondering if anyone else has had a similar connection between tendinitis and Dupuytren's. And I’m also wondering if maybe I don’t really have tendinitis; but rather, it is just another symptom of Dupuytren's. Any thoughts?


04/21/2013 21:23
04/21/2013 21:23
Re: Connection between tendinitis and Dupuytren's?

I found your comments so interesting. I am new to Dupuytren's, after the nodules in my hands were diagnosed as DD only last month. At the same time, the hand-specialist orthopedic surgeon told me I had carpal tunnel syndrome and knuckles swollen because of arthritis. Both of these last problems began with the appearance of the DD nodules in both palms. My appointment to discuss treatment options for DD isn't until April 30. I will asked the doctor if he thinks there is a connection. Pat

04/21/2013 21:32


04/21/2013 21:32


Re: Connection between tendinitis and Dupuytren's?

I play tennis and piano.

Although I have had finger joint injuries from piano, not (yet) tendonitis.

However I have over they last 20+ years had various cases of tendonitis from playing tennis, wrist, shoulder, tennis elbow, golfers elbow. Also jumpers knee. My DD first showed up only 2-3 years ago, in my non-racquet holding hand, so for me I cannot make a connection.

I now have DD symptoms in my racquet hand. Flared up this year with an angry nodule in the palm, after not protecting my hand whilst using tree loppers in the garden (I'm a bit annoyed with myself about that). Yet I would have thought the handling, vibration and shock associated with tennis would have been far more likely to have been a problem. But it never has been? In fact I thought I had a nodule on a finger in my racquet hand a few months ago, after stoppng tennis for a while, which was apparent when I resumed playing, and it was my perception that resumption of playing and using a racquet was responsible for eliminating that nodule!

So who knows?

04/25/2013 04:00
04/25/2013 04:00
Re: Connection between tendinitis and Dupuytren's?

I play tennis too. My doctor said I had tendinitis too. I used to have it pretty bad in my forearm but it just went away after resting it. Im 36 and my dd is only 8 degrees but it does impact my tennis a bit. My wrist has been hurting lately and I believe it's because I compensate for my dd by putting more pressure there. I don't have any bend in my pip joint but my palm is bending slightly which causes my pinky to have the 8 degree bend. When I do the table top test it hurts my wrist.

Thinking about NA but my doctor is saying I don't need to do anything until it gets worse.

04/25/2013 04:14
04/25/2013 04:14

Re: Connection between tendinitis and Dupuytren's?

It could be that the tendinitis is caused by you compensating for the DD and changing your grip or the way you strike the ball. I have been dealing with DD and LD (Both hands both feet) for 45 years and I now assume that tendon and joint pain is caused by these changes. I try to figure out the cause then make another adjustment.

With tennis I have fixed all the problems I was having by over wrapping the handle with a second grip. The grip looks too thick but fixed all the problems I was having including a bit wrist pain. Some of the others on this site wear tennis gloves and I'm sure this has the same effect.

I have recently taken to wearing gloves in the gym to stop the blisters I was getting from the equipment. The blisters were being caused by the nodules and slight changes in grip that seem to be continuous.

04/25/2013 11:03
04/25/2013 11:03
Re: Connection between tendinitis and Dupuytren's?

Switcombe and PatJohnson,

I think it's possible that there is no tendonitis or arthritis. I have large knuckle pads on five fingers that cause pain mostly during flexion and make it difficult to make a fist. After I was finally diagnosed, I saw a doctor about NA and when I described some of my symptoms (tingling, slight numbness at times), he insisted I get tested first for carpal tunnel. I knew I didn't have carpal tunnel but had the test and it was negative. This doc is a well known specialist in DD but believes that pain and tingling are not symptoms of the disease. I also have OA of the thumb both hands which causes more problems than the dups right now. I noticed range of motion in the thumb joints decreasing and asked if this could be DD but the same doctor said no. When I had NA from Keith Denkler, he felt cords in the thumb webbing of both hands and released them and I never even mentioned my thumbs to him.

It's very hard to get the facts when so many doctors either don't have the time or inclination to keep up with the literature. That's why I depend so much on this forum. Reading about the experiences of others has enabled me to understand my disease better and know what to expect as it progresses. My experience has been, talk to four doctors, get four different opinions (not just with DD, lol).

04/25/2013 11:27
04/25/2013 11:27

Re: Connection between tendinitis and Dupuytren's?

cschieber, Interesting that you have "tingling, slight numbness at times". I don't have these symptoms with my DD but I have had this develop recently with my LD. I first developed LD more than 45 years ago although no one knew at the time what it was. The growths were under the arch on each foot. For many years I would get blisters on the growths when running for more than 30-40 minutes. Over time the surface hardened so no problem now.

In the past couple of years I have started to develop growths of what appears to be LD behinds the toes of my left foot and a separate growth behind the big toe on my left foot. In recent months this has resulted in a tingling and slight numbness in my big toe. My thinking is that the growth is pressing against a nerve. My guess is that you have something similar going on.

04/26/2013 13:57
04/26/2013 13:57
Re: Connection between tendinitis and Dupuytren's?

I agree that the nodules could be impinging on nerves. They are quite large and hard and there's only so much room in the fingers for all this stuff.

06/07/2020 20:43
06/07/2020 20:43
Re: Connection between tendinitis and Dupuytren's?

I fell last year onto a concrete pad. It was only two feet but I caught myself with my hands. My hands swelled to the size of dog pads. I was in so much pain I had trouble sleeping at night and woke up in pain. My doctor did an X-ray but found nothing. My wrists hurt too. After two months of me whining, I was sent to a RA doctor. He ran blood tests but told me from the beginning he did ‘t think that was my problem. Looking at my palms he said I had Dupuytren's Contracture but didn’t know why my hands were swollen. He recommended therapy. The excercises made my hands hurt more (therapy isn’t used any more). I was referred to a surgeon. The surgeon explained that I was only at 10% but he would never be able to do surgery. I have tendonitis in my hands and wrists. I cannot have cortisone shots to alleviate the pain because of the Dupuytren’s. The tendonitis will make the Dupuytren's worse. It is a vicious circle. I haven’t been back but I am now where my sister has to cut my meat for me. We had to buy non slip door knob covers so I could open doors. A cell phone I had for 4 years, I have dropped 3 times in 2 days...

I have had the tendonitis in my wrists, hands (top and palms) and fingers for over a year. This is just a new reality.

My father before he died was dropping things too. He thought it was arthritis, I thought that as well before all this happened. I was told I had had the Dupuytren’s for some time. I had stopped doing stained glass two years ago because I could no longer cut the glass. I never thought to mention it to a doctor.

The picture is three months after I fell.

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06/08/2020 06:57


06/08/2020 06:57


Re: Connection between tendinitis and Dupuytren's?

Thanks for sharing your story cryptkeeper. I can believe just about any injury to the wrist/arms/hands will provoke a DD reaction to those who are susceptible. In the case of tendonitis my experience is that rest, ice, and some flex exercises (to keep tendons moving and stretched) will help, and eventually low heat. But with hands and wrist this can take months since your hands are in constant every day use. I have rehabilitated my own tendonitis injuries many times and so far never had a cortisone shot along the way. Be patient but keep at it.

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