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constant pain
02/26/2008 12:35
02/26/2008 12:35
constant pain

I am a 32 yo male, and have been dealing with constant pain now for the past 10 years. The location is in my right hand, third finger knuckle joint, there is a noticable bump that I can feel with my other finger when running my finger over the area in between my third knuckle and pinkey knuckle. When I go to bend the joint, it feels like hell quite frankly, sometimes more worse then other times. I feel a stretching and the pain radiates into the 4th digit pinky knuckle and the area above those 2 knuckles going towards the wrist it is sore. This condition makes my handwriting look like a 2nd grader, which has done wonders for me over the last 10 years in terms of my schooling. About 5 yrs ago I broke down and went to my family MD doctor, and he told me there was nothing he could do for me after nothing showed up on an xray. Unhappy I then went to a hand surgeon, he asked me to make a fist. Well I did with gr8 pain, and he simply called it tendonitis and told me to use ice. He also said that the tendon seems to track well, and didn't have anything to offer me. Unhappy even more I then went to a DO, he adjusted me, and gave me a shot, he was the most helpfull out of the 3 docs, but but the pain never went away and I continue to be in a lot of pain. I have read about this needle procedure they do. Do you think this may help me? My hands are not deformed like some of the average dupuytrens sufferers, but I still have all the pain in the world located right in that damned bump on the side of the third knuckle. I live in NE ohio and would gr8ly appricate any direction, or advise.

02/26/2008 14:47
02/26/2008 14:47

Re: constant pain


Assuming the hand surgeon you went to is any good, if he didn't diagnose your condition as Dups then most of us will be out of our depth as to a solution. Dups lumps respond well to cortisone injections so perhaps your lump will as well. What kind of a "shot" did you receive?

02/26/2008 18:23
02/26/2008 18:23
Re: constant pain

I think it was a cortz shot. it was about 3 years ago, and really didn't help. its just so frustrating because the pain is very markable...on the side of the knuckle, a hard strange lump/bump that even moves with the tendon. like right now the pain is when I bend my finger and its like the tendon is stretching too much like theres not enough room or something.

08/23/2009 19:08
08/23/2009 19:08
Re: constant pain

Hi Tim,

I'm on here as my mum has been diagnosed with it recently and I'm an acupuncturist who's very into all holistic therapies. I've seen good reports here from people about acupuncture (and some bad, but there are a lot of people in the industry who aren't very well trained). But I do know that as far as pain relief goes acupuncture is excellent as that's the area I specialise in (along with stress and addiction). My mum has no pain thankfully, so she doesn't need it for that.

Anyway, just wanted to suggest you find someone great in your area and give it a go for pain relief.

Best wishes,


handwriting   condition   procedure   direction   tendonitis   acupuncturist   cortisone   sufferers   injections   knuckle   stretching   thankfully   addiction   dupuytrens   frustrating   schooling   acupuncture   specialise   constant   appricate