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07/09/2013 21:02
07/09/2013 21:02

Getting some big variations in costs for NA. 2 fingers one hand and 1 finger other. Total cost for procedure $1400 to $3000. What is the "norm"?

07/09/2013 21:04
07/09/2013 21:04

Re: Cost

Paris 250-300 euros per hand.

07/10/2013 23:47
07/10/2013 23:47

Re: Cost


Paris will always be cheaper than the US in almost any medical procedure. Still, $3,000 seems very high to me. I believe that Eaton charged a certain price for one finger on one hand and then it was less to add another finger on that hand. I believe therefore that if all 3 of your fingers were on the same hand it would be cheaper than if on 2 hands.

I'd get a quote from Denkler who is probably close to whatever the "norm" currently is. (415) 924-6010.

07/11/2013 01:08
07/11/2013 01:08
Re: Cost

Thanks for the response. Going to see Dr Scott in Chicago. He gave a max. cost of $850 per finger and will be determined when he examines my fingers. Hopefully, the cost will come down with alternate treatments and/or more providers.

07/11/2013 05:48
07/11/2013 05:48

Re: Cost

One would hope Brian. Unfortunately with the advent of XIAFLEX and CHS going after it like Zombies in Lock Step (plus the retirement of Eaton) NA has little chance of expanding, so the price as compared to XIAFLEX is likely to increase.

You would think that insurance companies would be all over NA as a low-cost alternative to OS and XIAFLEX. Apparently not.

Why would that be?

My guess is that the insurance industry must rely on the predilections of “leading authorities” as to what to focus on. NA never made the grade according to them. Unless you hear about it here or from a small minority of CHS that have bought into NA you will be taken down the XIAFLEX pathway and your insurance Co. will pay far more for it than for something equivalent (NA).

Good for you though. Try NA and/or XIAFLEX before you let the cut you open.

Edited 07/11/13 08:49

04/06/2014 02:59
04/06/2014 02:59
Re: Cost

Brian, how did your NA with Dr. Scott go?

I had three fingers done with him in 2011 and at that time the cost was $700/finger. I guess his fee has gone up just like everything else!

insurance   equivalent   Unfortunately   treatments   Apparently   variations   retirement   procedure   XIAFLEX   providers   fingers   determined   everything   therefore   according   predilections   “leading   alternative   authorities”   companies