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Could this be Dupuytren?
08/10/2012 07:14
08/10/2012 07:14
Could this be Dupuytren?

Hi all,

Hope you can help me..I'm not a native English speaker, so hopefully i can make myself clear

I am a 35 yr old female and since about 10 months I wake up with stiff fingers (both hands but especially left).
At first they were a bit swollen too, but that has stopped. But now, since about 10 days, my ring finger and pinky on the left are getting stiffer and stiffer in the morning, and I can only move my pinky in an odd, jerky way. It gets better after a few minutes, but I do feel a weird sensation now the whole day, as if my pinky and ring finger want to bend inwards.
It's not painful really, just weird.

I don't see any lumps in the palm of my hand, just a very slight thickening spot, under the ring finger.
What I do have, is quite a big lump on the sole of my left foot. It has been there also for about 10 months..
Painless, but it does get bigger. Could this be Ledderhose and my hand Dupuytren?

My grandfather had Dupuytren's contracture, but he was already in his eighties then.

My doctor says my hand is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which i personally do not believe, and my foot: just a benign swelling, nothing to worry about...

I would like some second opinions...
Thanks for your help!

08/10/2012 15:31


08/10/2012 15:31


Re: Could this be Dupuytren?

It's very difficult, maybe even risky, to give a diagnosis over the Internet, and IANAD.

The foot could be the start of Ledderhose if it is not an injury, or your Dr could be right.

Your hands do not sound typical of Dupuytren's, and again your Dr may be onto something to do with tendons.

I would ask for a specialist consultation to allay your doubts and move onto getting appropriate treatment.

Edited 08/10/12 20:15

08/10/2012 19:26
08/10/2012 19:26
Re: Could this be Dupuytren?

Thanks for your answer!

I know it's impossible to give an diagnosis on the internet..What I really wanted to know is; could the symptoms I'm experiencing be the early signs of Dupuytren. You say they're not typical of Dupuytren, so that's a relief.

I will go see a specialist to find out what it is.

08/10/2012 19:39


08/10/2012 19:39


Re: Could this be Dupuytren?

The problem is there is not a typical early presentation or warning of Dupuytrens's. Did you check the risk factors: parents, diabetes, and so on?

Often there are skin changes, marks, pits, that may or may not linger, sore spots, aches, tingles, before the development of nodules which are often mistaken for calluses or blisters, or cords which are mistaken for swollen tendons (but not usuall 'sticky' tendons). Ask for a referral to a hand specialist.

08/11/2012 13:43
08/11/2012 13:43
Re: Could this be Dupuytren?

Hi Meisje-what im finding out is almost every doctor i have seen is wrong about what the cause is with my hands & feet...Mine started kinda like yours,and then became lumps /pads at my knuckles .2 weeks ago i started using tea tree oil in my lotion about 4 cap fulls of oil to a large bottle of lotion & the pads are almost gone..I have had these pads for 6 years & the doctors told me it was arthritis...My intake of yeast was out of this world with the beer & sweet cakes...I am now on a yeast free diet..Life is getting better as the yeast /fungi die off....This may or may not help you.Goodluck

Dupuytren   diagnosis   experiencing   arthritis   contracture   grandfather   thickening   Internet   presentation   Meisje-what   especially   Ledderhose   development   consultation   specialist   impossible   appropriate   something   personally   Dupuytrens