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DC in the thumb
12/30/2011 18:38
12/30/2011 18:38
DC in the thumb

Hi, all. You seem to be the voice of experience, so I hope someone will respond to this post. Any suggestions for DC in the thumb? So far, the two doctors I've consulted here in St. Louis do not seem to know much about treatment options. Any suggestions out there?

12/30/2011 19:17
12/30/2011 19:17
Re: DC in the thumb

There must be hand centers in St.Louis. You know you are in the wrong building if the doctors don't know much about Dupuytren's. It is a very popular condition.

Can you describe your situation? Has contracture started? Nodules? Dermal pits? Or what?


And, there is much on this website about the different procedures if you need one. Remember that many people go through their lives without the condition worsening to the point of requiring a procedure.

Edited 12/30/11 21:31

12/30/2011 19:59
12/30/2011 19:59
Re: DC in the thumb

I live in Independence Missouri. I have DD in both hands and also have it in my thumbs. I had radiation 22 months ago by a doctor in Liberty Missouri. And it put it in remission. My skin is tight in palm and have a few cords left behind but what i have heard RT doesn't help cords.

12/30/2011 21:55
12/30/2011 21:55
Re: DC in the thumb

I agree with Callie and Cindy. Most any doctor should know about DC. My GP, dermatologist, and my husband's knee surgeon diagnosed it by just looking at my hand even before palpation.

I didn't know at the time but mine started in my right thumb. I dismissed it as beginning arthritis until nodules, cords, and puckering developed in my palm. About 3 years after onset of Dupuytren's in my right thumb, it started the same way in the thumb of my left hand. No treatment yet on my left hand, but I'm watching it and had a consultation at another hospital about RT. It isn't "active" enough yet for RT but I am set up for RT if it decides to go viral at anytime.

2 1/2 years ago, I went to Scripps in San Diego/La Jolla for RT, but that is far from you. Luckily, you have Cindy closer. Pick her brain or ask questions of any of us or post questions. You are right. We are experienced and wish we didn't have the "opportunity" to get acquainted with this weird disease. You came to the right place.

12/31/2011 00:44
12/31/2011 00:44
Re: DC in the thumb

I'm a hop, skip, and a jump from St. Louis and feel free to ask me anything and i will do what i can to help

12/31/2011 15:27
12/31/2011 15:27
Re: DC in the thumb

Thanks so much for the input. I really appreciate the time you've taken to answer. This is very new to me. My Dx came after hand surgery and a course of Glucosamine/Chrondrointin. I'm reading about a number of treatment options and wonder if treatment offered is sometimes based on what prodecures a physician is set up and trained for? Also, some info alludes to the importance of early treatment. That's why I don't want to wait too long to find a doctor who can offer a number of options, if possible. Wishing you all a very happy, healthy new year! Julie

12/31/2011 16:11
12/31/2011 16:11
Re: DC in the thumb

I hope your still not taking the supplements. Glucosamine and Chrondrointin. What i have read on here and other places it is not good for DD. Feel free to contact me if you need a doctor that will do RT in Missouri.

experienced   importance   Missouri   Dupuytren   consultation   Chrondrointin   acquainted   medicinenet   dermatologist   experience   opportunity   questions   Glucosamine   Independence   suggestions   contracture   prodecures   treatment   supplements   procedures