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07/23/2013 20:24
07/23/2013 20:24

Have any of you on here tried to get disability or is getting disability? And if so what state are you in and how difficult is it to do?

07/31/2013 18:27
07/31/2013 18:27
Re: Disability

Have any of you on here tried to get disability or is getting disability? And if so what state are you in and how difficult is it to do?

If you are talking about long-term Social Security Disability(SSDI) it is very difficult to get. Most folks-- no matter what the condition-- are routinely turned down the first time. There are backlogs of up to two or three years in some states even for folks with cancer. The federal gov't does contract out the procedure to each state to do all the initial paperwork and doc evaluations and there is a difference between states.

The standard of proof is very high--you have to be unable to do ANY job at all. For instance-- if you could be a customer service rep not using your hands, you don't meet it; think of all the other jobs (and if you don't think of them SSDI will) you could do without using your hands. I've had experience with the process and successfully helped someone get on it but not with DD. Feel free to ask any further questions.


condition--   evaluations   instance--   Security   customer   paperwork   procedure   cindy850   contract   standard   difficult   routinely   difference   getting   questions   experience   long-term   Disability   successfully   high--you