Dr. Kline in the News |
12/05/2007 18:28
12/05/2007 18:28

Dr. Kline in the News
Dr. Kline's work with NA made it into his local paper. It's a decent article. However it certainly irked a reader who made quite a fuss in the discussion that followed. NA is still controversial and the CHSs in Kline's aria are non too happy with what he is doing. Is it actual concern for their patients or the loss of business? Kline is now treating more Dups than all the local CHS combined.
12/08/2007 08:16
12/08/2007 08:16

Re: Dr. Kline in the News
Very interesting read 
12/08/2007 08:59
wach  Administrator
12/08/2007 08:59
wach  Administrator
Re: Dr. Kline in the News
And it includes a friendly link to our web site. Great!
01/02/2008 11:16
annabellenot registered
01/02/2008 11:16
annabellenot registered
Re: Dr. Kline in the News
My husband and I read the clip and the subsequent posts with great surprise. It's hard to believe anyone would dare to make such uninformed comments about NA anymore....but then again....our own family physician now has DC and has told us that he has to wait till his hand gets worse to have the surgery.
Ya you heard me.....he wont even consider NA..... even though he's seen the result in my husbands hand. It's politics not medicine that drives him. His buddy is a hand surgeons and so he wont rock the medical community boat in our area.
Myself.... I think its malpractice.... on himself..... and no longer respect his opinion on anything. There is no doubt in my mind that our doctor would scream 'the eath is flat' if he was told to.
So Cudo's to Dr Kline for having the parts to stray from the path and follow the NA path.
01/02/2008 19:46
01/02/2008 19:46

Re: Dr. Kline in the News
It's a shocker isn't it annabelle. What are the human factors that causes highly intelligent rational professionals to act like lemmings? The amazing lock step rigidity of this small specialty (CHS) has caused me to be concerned about medicine in general. It's amazing to me how few surgeons were effected by he data presented to the ASSH by Eaton/Denkler/Press. The majority were apparently unaffected by the cold hard facts. What's up with that?
Dr. Press warned me some years back not to expect change to come easily. He invented a new knife to make carpal tunnel a much less invasive procedure. He was expecting to sell this device to his colleges. They weren't interested. He was shocked. He knew he had a real advance but no one seemed to care. Why?
There is a conservatism in medicine that is good in the sense that most MD's don't go running off in all different directions experimenting with the latest fad ideas. On the other hand the real breakthroughs like NA are ignored in spite of the data.
We patients however are under *no* such professional blinders. Taking the ball and running with it on the Internet we have successfully educated enough patients and recruited enough surgeons to make NA generally available in the US. This was done right under the radar and noses of the entrenched anti NA establishment. This makes the power of the Internet as amazing to me as the rigidly of the medical establishment it has overcome (or at least put a dent in :-).
01/02/2008 22:46
annabellenot registered
01/02/2008 22:46
annabellenot registered
Re: Dr. Kline in the News
Hi Randy,
I think more surgeons who were at the ASSH are performing NA as a result of the presentation is probably larger then you realize - they just aren't advertising it for fear of reprisal or, don't realize that we would like them to post a website announcing that they are performing it. Like the surgeon in my area, he just went home an simply started doing it with no fanfare. I believe the best bet for patients to find such a doctor, is to go on the ASSH and look for registered members in their area then phone and ask. That's what I did and it worked.
05/06/2008 03:50
Pamellanot registered
05/06/2008 03:50
Pamellanot registered
Re: Dr. Kline in the News
Hello I'm an artist and will also place a friendly link on my website to DS. Pam
05/06/2008 08:15
Wolfgangnot registered
05/06/2008 08:15
Wolfgangnot registered
Re: Dr. Kline in the News
Thanks a lot!
Hello I'm an artist and will also place a friendly link on my website to DS. Pam