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Dupreytren Advice
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08/16/2012 12:17
08/16/2012 12:17
Dupreytren Advice

Hi All
I'm a UK resident, 36 years old and was diagnosed with Dupuytren's disease about 12 years ago. The NHS diagnosed me and after a couple of annual check ups 8/9 years ago they advised there was little that could be done other than a risky operation. Reading this website I'm getting a different picture. My little finger is now contracting 10+ degrees. Is there any treatment I should be seeking now in order to prevent further issues? I have no private health care so would have to go back to my GP/NHS.
Just want to be armed with all the facts.
Thanks for any help or guidance you can provide

08/16/2012 14:44
08/16/2012 14:44
Re: Dupreytren Advice

Sounds like you should check into NA before it gets much worse.Im over here in the States so dont know many Docs over there.Im sure Wolfgang or Spanishbudda know some Docs doin NA over there.Dave

08/16/2012 16:30


08/16/2012 16:30


Re: Dupuytren Advice / NA

For the UK you might have a look at



Sounds like you should check into NA before it gets much worse.Im over here in the States so dont know many Docs over there.Im sure Wolfgang or Spanishbudda know some Docs doin NA over there.Dave

08/16/2012 16:54


08/16/2012 16:54


Re: Dupreytren Advice

For the UK you might have a look at


Sounds like you should check into NA before it gets much worse.Im over here in the States so dont know many Docs over there.Im sure Wolfgang or Spanishbudda know some Docs doin NA over there.Dave

Or here http://dupuytrens-society.org.uk/TLinks.html :-)

08/16/2012 19:38
08/16/2012 19:38
Re: Dupreytren Advice

I am not an expert...but offer the following..

Perhaps a night spint would assist in preventing further contracture..

At 10 degrees... It may be premature to do anything invasive..including NA....trama can great problems..

Good luck..

08/16/2012 20:12
08/16/2012 20:12
Re: Dupreytren Advice

I would not do anything at this time but monitor the situation and be ready/knowledgeable to make a move if it reaches 20 percent contracture. It may. or may not reach 20 degrees. Then decide on NA, Ziaflex or surgery.

08/16/2012 20:20
08/16/2012 20:20

Re: Dupreytren Advice

CraigPlumb; My suggestion is that you hop over to Paris and see Dr Badois. For 200 euros I expect he he will perform NA on the finger.

I didn't know there was an alternative to surgery and left one of my little fingers too long and it fused in place.

08/17/2012 17:01
08/17/2012 17:01
Re: Dupreytren Advice


I, too, would recommend a night splint. You may ultimately need some other procedure - NA, Xiaflex, etc. - but it might delay the need to do anything for a year or more.

My custom night splint has made a visible and measurable difference in my hand. Your splint might not neewd to be custom, but mine because I needed it to stretch across the whole palm including the whole thumb and pinky finger. Based on my hand now after NA a year ago, I anticipate 4-5 years instead of 3-4 years before I will need NA again. We'll have to wait to see what actually happens.

08/17/2012 19:59
08/17/2012 19:59
Re: Dupreytren Advice

The pinkys dont bounce back from DD as well the bigger fingers do.Find a Dr that knows and go with what he thinks.The more it bends the more it will stay that way even after its released.My right pinky will go from 10-20 Degrees in the morning to 50-60 degrees when i get home from work.My ring fingers dont contract at all.Pinkys are the weak link.Dave

08/17/2012 20:46
08/17/2012 20:46
Re: Dupreytren Advice

It is true that pinkie fingers are harder to correct, especially if the contracture is at the PIP joint (that is the middle joint of each finger)... so if it is pinkie finger plus PIP joint it is more likely that any correction will have a higher degree of recurrence. I would advise do something sooner rather than later.

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anything   knowledgeable   anticipate   especially   contracting   measurable   different   alternative   Wolfgang   dupuytrens-society   dupuytren-online   recurrence   Spanishbudda   Dupreytren   definitely   correction   including   degrees   TreatmentLeaflet   contracture