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Dupreytren Advice
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08/17/2012 20:57
08/17/2012 20:57
Re: Dupreytren Advice

I Agree,once its gone,its gone.I had to fuse my left one years ago.Times have changed now.Keep it straight dont wait.Dave

08/17/2012 21:23
08/17/2012 21:23
Re: Dupreytren Advice

FYI...4 plus years ago NA on pinkie PIP joint....95 degree contracture...

Still perfect...just a small non growing nodule..

I wear the splint EVERY NIGHT...my wife is sick of it though lol !

08/17/2012 21:36
08/17/2012 21:36
Re: Dupreytren Advice

FYI...4 plus years ago NA on pinkie PIP joint....95 degree contracture...
Still perfect...just a small non growing nodule..
I wear the splint EVERY NIGHT...my wife is sick of it though lol !
That is wonderful, happy for you that it lasted. That shows once more that everyone with DD or LD has such different results. Even in the same person, left hand and right hand can be so different.

I had NA (PIP joint) corrected twice on same finger on pinkie of right hand, different doctors... and both times contracture returned within six months to the same degree as before NA.

My left hand pinkie is starting to contract, maybe this time I will do NA much sooner. Also I agree with those that say that wearing a night splint can help. Next time I will definitely try to do that.

08/17/2012 21:57
08/17/2012 21:57
Re: Dupreytren Advice

My wife has been jabbed with the night splint a few times but it is the only way to go.I look forward to putting it on some nights especially in rainy weather.My hands are much more flexible in sunny weather.I still use my parafin hot wax unit when I need it too,just dip them in hot wax and Ahhhhhhh!!!!

08/20/2012 08:37
08/20/2012 08:37
Re: Dupreytren Advice

Thanks for the advice everyone. I will speak with my GP ASAP and take a printout of this forum. Hopefully I'll get good news. Thanks again.

08/20/2012 13:16


08/20/2012 13:16


Re: Dupreytren Advice

Take the patient leaflet http://dupuytrens-society.org.uk/TreatmentLeaflet.pdf

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