Dupuytren and food |
10/18/2008 07:45
Georgenot registered
10/18/2008 07:45
Georgenot registered
Dupuytren and food
Hello patients: are we eating just anything? Do we have some joint preference or, on the other hand, do we dislike something markedly? There are some remarks about food on this website and forum. I have noted remarkable influence of some foods on my Dupuytren, so I would like to collect some data about our food consumption, hopefully leading to an useful food advice in the near future. You could help me a lot by answering the following questions. How often are you consuming the following foodstuffs within a week: 1.beef 2.pork 3.chicken 4.fish 5.eggs 6.cheese 7.tomatoes 8.rice 9.Do you dislike some foodstuff, so you are scarcely eating it? If so, which foodstuff: 10.Which finger(s) is affected? Please mail the answers, together with possible remarks, to: novakjg@live.nl Thank you! George