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Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder
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03/16/2010 22:47
03/16/2010 22:47
Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

James, I also have noticed that my Dupuytren's is very much affected by the weather. Here in southern Ontario we have had a very mild winter, but when it is very cold, for us that's less than 10C my hand really aches, also if it's damp and cold. I had frozen shoulders' about ten years ago, both also started in the winter, pain stopped in spring (and after cortisone shots). By the end of summer the frozen shoulders had resolved themselves. The second time it happened I had a good orthopedic surgeon who told me that frozen shoulders normally release in 8 months to a year and that physio did little good. He was right physio was a waste of time for me.

    04/27/2011 20:06

    not registered

    04/27/2011 20:06

    not registered

    Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

    Hi, I also live in Winnipeg and following two years of frozen shoulder (first one followed by the other) I recently researched the lump in my palm which led me to this disease. I have also noticed some tenderness on one of my feet. This is all new to me so I am researching information from others.

      04/28/2011 04:22


      04/28/2011 04:22


      Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

      Hi Blackhawk,

      welcome to our forum! This web site offers lots of information on Dupuytren's disease. You start best either on the home page or at http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytrens_contracture.html. Frozen shoulder is related to Dupuytren's http://www.dupuytren-online.info/frozen_shoulder.html but treatments are different. Our forum is a great place for putting questions (and for helping other patients).


      Hi, I also live in Winnipeg and following two years of frozen shoulder (first one followed by the other) I recently researched the lump in my palm which led me to this disease. I have also noticed some tenderness on one of my feet. This is all new to me so I am researching information from others.

        08/19/2011 08:16
        08/19/2011 08:16
        Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

        Wow, I've had surgery on both frozen shoulders(bone spurs were said causes)! My left shoulder was done most recently (about 4 or 5 months ago) & now I have a 'rope' going iup my left palm (& severe night pain in hand/wrist). Interesting and so disconcerting.... oh my....
        Thanks for letting me know & posting this topic

          08/21/2011 23:22
          08/21/2011 23:22
          Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

          20 years ago I developed a frozen shoulder in my right shoulder; 6 to 7 years ago I developed it in my left shoulder.
          I was diagnosed with Sjogren's syndrome this spring (based on tear and spit tests); a nodule was removed from the top of my middle finger on my left hand; smaller nodules are forming on my ring and pinkie fingers on my right hand...pathology came back as Dupuytren's. I have a nodule in my right foot...for which I suffer contracture (though not every night).

          I see my rheumatologist if a few weeks and will speak with her about radio-therapies. The location of the surgery shows signs of additional growth...and I am worried about joint and ligament damage.

          My question is...is there a location in the Washington DC metro area where I can receive therapy? I would like to know when I go to my doctor ... have the information so that I can give it to her. Any help this forum can give me I will be very appreciative.

            08/23/2011 19:25
            08/23/2011 19:25
            Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder


            UVA is the nearest that I know of. The forum has received good reports from Dr. Weiss's patients. Check the sidebar to see if any other places are closer to you. You might want to consider RT since you appear to be in the earlier stages of DD when RT seems to be most effective. I had RT 2 years ago and have been in remission since then.


              08/23/2011 22:57
              08/23/2011 22:57
              Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

              Lori is correct about Dr. Weiss. She is at VCU which is even closer.

              Virginia Commonwealth University
              Department of Radiation Oncology
              Assist. Profs. Drs. Laurie Cuttino and Elisabeth Weiss
              401 College Street, P.O. Box 980037
              Richmond, Virginia 23298-0037
              Phone: (804) 828-7232, Fax: (804) 828-7981

                09/01/2011 21:18
                09/01/2011 21:18
                Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

                Very interesting info here. Thanks to everyone for sharing!

                I am 50 and have had nodules and chords develop slowly for 5 years. I notice that Dup. progresses quickly after hand stimulation as from bike riding, tool use, weight lifting. I switched to stretch chords, which pinched my pinkie area, and made it much worse. Big nodules formed from the physical trauma. Dup. is reactive to physical trauma in my case. My initial nodules were not the problem. Chords developed from where I gripped the most after. Now I try to use my fingers more and wear gloves while working out and doing housework.

                I also had frozen shoulder on both shoulders within the past year. I got the book "How treat your own rotator cuff" and did those stretches and exercises with a large elastic band. My right shoulder is much better now, with less pain, and less of those immobilizing zingers that occur from reaching for things at odd angles. Anyone relate to that? Taking the last sock out of the dryer used to hurt!! Now my left shoulder is getting better with the elastic band work. It promotes healing blood to the area too, I believe.

                Keep fighting the good fight. Make it a part time job, since we are used to doing well at our jobs. That's what helped the 9/11 survivor Lauren Manning overcome 24 surgeries for her burns. She was the executive at Cantor Fitzgerald waiting for an elevator in the lobby when the first plane hit. She was covered with a fire blast from the elevator and walked outside where a man extinguished her with his coat while others ran away from her. She had to wait 50 minutes with 3rd degree burns like that before the paramedics even treated her. They thought she was too far gone. Now she leads a productive life again. She had worked 12-14 hour days at her securities job and just turned that some intensity to her recovery and did very well. She didn't treat her condition as a distraction.

                  09/13/2011 13:01
                  09/13/2011 13:01
                  Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

                  I have had frozen shoulder 2 or 3 times in the past 15 years, my shoulder was in the process of 'freezing' again when I fell and put my hand out to 'break' my fall and instead, broke my wrist. The shoulder cured itself I am sure it was the impact of the fall but a about a month later I discovered a few lumps on my palm and Dupeytren's was diagnosed.

                    08/31/2016 15:30
                    08/31/2016 15:30
                    Re: Dupuytren & Frozen Shoulder

                    I have both Dupuytrens and ledderhose disease, now i also have frozen shoulder on affected side, I can find no one that takes care of the shoulder except Orthopedic Surgeons who knows nothing about these diseases. I have gone through very painful physical therapy and cannot continue because the pain is so bad I haven't been able to sleep in weeks, I am at a point I no longer know what to do, I am very active and want to continue to work out but am loosing the engery to do this through lack of sleep. I am in the uS and my options are extremely limited in my area, the one person that does know about the diseases is a plastic sugeon and does nothing for a shoulder.

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                      Shoulder   physical   surgeries   contracture   surgery   related   because   physiotherapy   shoulders   dupuytren-online   Ledderhose   Dupuytren   researching   painful   disease   noticed   radio-therapies   therapy   rheumatologist   Dupuytrens