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Dupuytren in Thumbs
09/02/2013 14:36
09/02/2013 14:36
Dupuytren in Thumbs

Both of my thumbs hurt when I move them a certain way as of late, sort of like a trigger finger but not as pronounced, ---they don't jump past a certain point like a trigger finger - but they hurt when I move them in a certain way past a point. The hurt is mainly at the base of my thumb and between my first finger, but up my thumbs a bit too.

Is this just conincidence, or a result of dupuytrens in the hand affecting other areas indirectly, (but the other areas not having dupuytrens)...... Or am I developing dupetrens in my thumbs as well.

Worried about this......

feedback welcomed

09/02/2013 15:32
09/02/2013 15:32
Re: Dupuytren in Thumbs

My pain and cramping did not start until my cords started contracting >10 degrees. I feel like if I could only stretch my thumb enough the cramps would go away but I can't reach that point. Maybe there is a cord starting? You would see/feel it when you've stretched your thumb to its limit.

09/02/2013 18:30
09/02/2013 18:30
Re: Dupuytren in Thumbs


I have Dupuytren's in both hands, and it is effecting my left thumb. I have two Nodules growing on the tendon of the left thumb, which are located from the left of the outside palm, to the center of the thumb joint. There are two lumps, and I cannot flex the thumb very well as it pulls on the tendon when I do so. I have a total of 5 Nodules on the palm, and two growing right along the thumb tendon, for a total of 7 Nodules on the hand. Dupuytren's can effect the thumb, however, it is unusual for it to do so, according to what I have researched. It is very painful when it effects the thumb, as in my case, but I am keeping a close eye on the situation, to see if it progresses further. I hope this information helps you with your question. Best regards, Metzie.

09/02/2013 18:48
09/02/2013 18:48
Re: Dupuytren in Thumbs

You refer to "the tendon". Are you sure it is the tendon and not a Dupuytren's cord that mimics a tendon?

09/02/2013 19:03
09/02/2013 19:03
Re: Dupuytren in Thumbs


It very well could be as it is right along what connects the thumb to the hand. I am no Dr., but it very well could be a cord forming because it is becoming tighter, which restricts movement of the thumb to flex all the way back. I do know that nodules are growing right up to the 2nd joint of the thumb from the base. They are hard, and pronounced like the other nodules in the palm of the hand. Either way, Dupuytren's is effecting my thumb on my left hand, but not my right thumb, thankfully.

09/02/2013 19:27
09/02/2013 19:27
Re: Dupuytren in Thumbs

Hi All,

I too have a large number of nodules c/w pitting all connected by cords on and around my left thumb.
This is now contracted to around 45 degrees but oddly doesn't hurt that much anymore....

Unfortunately the right hand is now also showing the same symptoms - I have DD in both hands - and though not contracted yet this one is most certainly triggering - ouch!

There are two nodules forming and the start of a cord on the right, so perhaps when they're fully grown things'll settle down enough for me to get both hands treated.... That's the theory anyhow!



09/03/2013 23:35
09/03/2013 23:35
Re: Dupuytren in Thumbs

In addition to DD in both hands, including thumb-index finger web, I have severe arthritis of the joint at the base of both thumbs. Quite debilitating but completely unrelated to DD. Apparently not that hard to fix with surgery but I won't have it because I'm worried it will make DD worse. Your problem could be DD but could also be a different condition. Maybe an xray or MRI could confirm.

thankfully   Dupuytren   Unfortunately   progresses   contracted   indirectly   developing   contracting   completely   conincidence   information   Apparently   pronounced   effecting   triggering   thumb-index   researched   Nodules   debilitating   dupuytrens