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Dupuytren patients survey for one hundred dollars
11/04/2008 01:29
11/04/2008 01:29
Dupuytren patients survey for one hundred dollars

Hello all,

My name is Arianne McCarthy and I am writing from Panel Intelligence, a research firm in Cambridge, MA. Panel Intelligence has been conducting online surveys and medical research for nine years. We work with thousands of physicians and health care professionals across the United States and most of Europe.

We are conducting an online discussion with US-based Dupuytren patients regarding personal experiences, treatment options and overall quality of life. We are working closely with a clinical client who is researching a non-surgical cure.

Our online discussions are formatted very much like this chat room or a discussion forum, and everything is completely anonymous. Each person is given an ID, such as Panelist A, B, C, etc. Also, each Panelist can read and respond to others posts, and leave questions for our very experienced moderators.

It's a great opportunity for patients to voice their needs, ask questions and to share their stories with others. In addition, you will learn more about this cutting edge-treatment.

We would offer each patient $100 for about 1.5 hours of their time over the course of a week. Due to the online format, patients can log on at their own convenience, day or night and answer a few questions at a time.

We only ask that you complete all of the questions within a 7 to 10 days.

I came across this Forum during my own research and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in this study. I am looking for 12 US-based patients. I am sorry if this seems like "spam". We are looking for patients right away so I thought I should go straight to the source.

If you are interested, can you please email me at arianne.mccarthy@panelintelligence.com right away. We are very eager to speak with patients and get your feedback aboutb this new treatment.

Thanks in advance for your help. I hope to hear from you soon. I promise that this will be a very positive experience. I have worked with many patients and they all find our group discussions productive. For more information about my company please do not hesitate to ask.

Kind regards,


Arianne McCarthy | Manager, Community Development |Panel Intelligence, LLC.
150 Cambridgepark Drive, 7th floor | Cambridge, MA 02140
arianne.mccarthy@panelintelligence.com | www.panelintelligence.com
P: 617-532-5706| F: 617-532-5799

Edited 11/04/08 14:54

McCarthy   patients   non-surgical   conducting   Cambridgepark   Intelligence   experiences   questions   discussions   panelintelligence   interested   Arianne   opportunity   information   617-532-5799   edge-treatment   professionals   convenience   617-532-5706|   researching