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Dupuytren's in the thumb
08/22/2020 21:17
08/22/2020 21:17
Dupuytren's in the thumb

Hi all. I'm a long time Dupuytren's sufferer and just discovered this forum. I have it in 2 fingers on both hands and recently it started developing in my left thumb. It is progressing rapidly and becoming quite a problem. I have had one Doctor tell me it's very rare to get it in the thumb and a different Doctor told me it's common. I wonder how many on the forum have problems with the thumb.

08/23/2020 05:57


08/23/2020 05:57


Re: Dupuytren's in the thumb

Hi Glen,

I have Dupuytren's in my thumb but only a cord without contracture. I had it irradiated https://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiation_therapy.html after I detected the cord and since then it's been stable without progression. So no problem.

Typically affected fingers are ring finger, pinkie and middle finer but you might get it elsewhere as well.

PS: you might browse not only the forum but also this website. I holds lots of info on Dupuytren's and Ledderhose.

10/02/2020 11:50
10/02/2020 11:50
Re: Dupuytren's in the thumb

Having had four separate surgeries between 2006 and 2018 I can tell you that both thumbs were heavily involved on two occasions. The Rt thumb has been drawing in toward the pinky again for two years now along with some pronounced nodules along the palm edge leading down from the pinky PIP joint. The thumb is itchy and painful at times when working with the tools. Attempting to straighten and extend the thumb produces a snapping motion resembling a trigger finger. At 69 tears of age these old hands are beginning to wake up stiff and achy.

resembling   beginning   Ledderhose   irradiated   developing   pronounced   progressing   occasions   straighten   surgeries   radiation   discovered   Typically   Dupuytren   dupuytren-online   contracture   different   progression   Attempting   elsewhere