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Dupuytren's & pain
08/19/2011 07:49
08/19/2011 07:49
Dupuytren's & pain

I'm 42 year old female (have juvenile diabetes)I've had severe left hand/wrist pain, usually at night and my Dr & I have scheduled September 20th to catch up and do an MRI on my left hand. I have Kienbock's disease in my right hand & we are afraid I may be getting that. After searching, I looked at the palm of my left hand and it actually feels like I have a rope running up the palm of my hand under my ring finger. I wish I didn't check.... ;( Everything I've found says usually no pain is associated with Dupuytren but sometimes clinical & human experience differ greatly! Can you tell me if you had same plz? I have no problem bending my hand and no problem flattening on surface. Did any of you eperience pain? The only thing that really hels is intense pressure on my hand/wrist. This disease idn't sound too bad until I started reading this forum! For the last few months I've also had pain walking on my right foot. I figured it was a heal spur & would go away. When I especially get out of bed I can barely step on that foot.. so much pain until I'm up a bit then it's not bad unless I sit down for a bit then get up...
As I'm reading about amputations, I'm thinking I'm calling in the morning to up my appt and tell him what's on the palm of my hand! I never ask about my foot, figured eventually it'll go away.........
I do see a hand specialist in Albany, NY; Dr David Quin who works in a great bone & joint center, all tests, surgery, etc. done on site when ever needed!

Thanks for your help.


Edited 08/19/11 10:58

08/19/2011 14:36


08/19/2011 14:36


Re: Dupuytren's & pain

Welcome tsheff1

Let's start with the foot pain - you have classic signs of Plantar Fasciitis. I have that too. Hurts like hell to stand up in the morning. Often a pre-cursor to other foot problems. Try gel arch inserts in your shoes, icing it, a night shoe/splint or see a podiatrist.

Not sure about the left hand. I have Dupuytren's in one hand in the early stages, and have lumps we call nodules that move with the skin and also some ropes or cords. They sometimes ache, and are sore if I catch the palm on something, such as a door handle. Other people talk about tingling, cramps, hotness, and so on. The cords with Dupuytren's do usually develop along the path of a tendon BUT are not tied to a tendon, and an experienced hand specialist familiar with Dupuytren's will be able to give you a differential diagnosis. If it is Dupuytren's it sounds like you have caught it early and can consider early treatment options. See the Treatments described on this site.

Best wishes

08/20/2011 07:18
08/20/2011 07:18
Re: Dupuytren's & pain

My 'chord/rope' has 4 (2 huge) nodules but the chord protrudes and is very easy to see & feel, Funny thing is, I didn't notice it until I found a list of symptoms & actually looked... The lumps and chord do not hurt at all to touch. I'm hoping I'm not getting Kienbocks & Dupuytrens at the same time :(
Years ago I had the problem with my foot and it had gone away after some months, I'm praying at least this friggin foot thing disappears soon! Talk about feeling like an 'old lady' when I get out oif bed, or after driving in my car for awhile... oh boy!
My pain is usually at night and it's an extreme ache, it's my entire hand/wrist, which is why my Dr & I thought I may be getting Kienbocks in my other hand now. He will be amazed I'm sure when he sees my palm now....
I see that it has been frequented with frozen shoulder. I had shoulder surgery in March - I had had a bone spur aggravated by a car accident...
I can't get in to see him until my appt, I will let you know results after Sept 20th, when my appt is (I think). Until then, I take tramadol at night so I can try & sleep!!
Thank you for info!

08/20/2011 15:40
08/20/2011 15:40
Re: Dupuytren's & pain

I had pain until I had RT. My hand, wrist, and arm ached all the way to the shoulder. It was more painful at night. During the day my hand would feel very cold and the cold weather seemed to make the pain worse. I was in intense pain and that is what sent me to the doctor for a diagnosis. I only had a nodule at that time.

Not everyone has pain, but I know I did.


08/20/2011 15:48
08/20/2011 15:48
Re: Dupuytren's & pain

Thanks Lori. YesI get pain all up my arm too. When my bicep hurts, it seems to make my hand feel very weak for some reason too. See my Dr in a month..

Everything   diagnosis   pre-cursor   shoulder   usually   amputations   associated   differential   experience   disappears   experienced   especially   flattening   eventually   Dupuytren   frequented   aggravated   specialist   Treatments   podiatrist