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Dupuytren's treatment in Asia?
11/07/2007 11:37
11/07/2007 11:37
Dupuytren's treatment in Asia?

I am a 38 year old English male living in Asia (Bangkok)

I have recently found that I have Dupuytrens in my left hand (I'm left handed) At the moment I have a kind of fleshy 'W' shape in my palm with a nodule in the base of each 'V' the tops of which just reach the bases of my fingers.
One of the fleshy arms (up to my little finger) has begun tightening up a bit over the last few months but not caused any contracture as yet.

My father has Dupuytrens and has had surgery on both hands so although I have not been 'officially' diagnosed by a doctor I am sure that that's what it is.

The problem is that Dupuytrens is little known in Asia and what information is available says that it is an incurable disease of alcoholics (which I am not), the only advice being to wait until it gets very bad and then have surgery as my father (who is also not an alcoholic!) did.

I work with my hands this prospect fills me with horror.

I have read a lot about radiotherapy being effective in the early stages and this greatly interests me, unfortunately it would not be feasible for me to travel to the USA or Germany for this type of treatment but there are several good (and relatively cheap) private hospitals here - many of which have radiotherapy departments.

My question is this:

Would it be possible to get a detailed set of instructions which would allow a radiotherapist here to give me the correct treatment? Would it be safe to do this given that it is likely it will be the therapist's first experience of the disease?

The standard of the international hospitals here is high (Bangkok is a big medical tourism destination). I have emailed a couple of the bigger hospital's to ask if they have performed similar treatments before - I've also sent them links to the information on radiotherapy on this website.

Treatment here tends to be about 30% of the price of the same treatment in Europe or the USA so if it were successful it maybe that others could also benefit.

I would be very glad of any advice you are able to give.

Edited at 07.11.07 14:14

11/07/2007 13:27


11/07/2007 13:27


Re: Dupuytren's treatment in Asia?

I'll mail you something.

PS; I would be surprised if treatment in A/P would be cheaper than in Germany. US clinics charge for radiotherapy of Dupuytren's about 10x what German clinics charge.

Edited at 07.11.07 15:29

11/07/2007 16:38
11/07/2007 16:38
Re: Dupuytren's treatment in Asia?

Thank you very much for the information Wolfgang, I will post here and let you know how things progress.

I am not sure that treatment in Asia will be much cheaper than in Germany but it's the cost of flights, accommodation and the difficulty of getting time off work that make a local solution preferable if possible - I'm sure however that it will defiantly be cheaper here than in the US.

If I decide to (and am able to) arrange treatment here I'll post diary so you'll know how I get on.

Thanks again for your quick response,


01/15/2017 18:47
01/15/2017 18:47
Re: Dupuytren's treatment in Asia?

Adam, i know it's been a looong time since your initial post. Have you found a solution for radiotherapy in Bangkok? I mau have similar treatment requirements in SEAsia. Thanks!

accommodation   alcoholics   treatments   Dupuytren   information   departments   unfortunately   requirements   international   hospitals   treatment   tightening   radiotherapist   contracture   radiotherapy   officially   preferable   instructions   destination   Dupuytrens