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Dupuytren Contracture diagnosed from hand injury.
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02/27/2013 07:56
02/27/2013 07:56
Dupuytren Contracture diagnosed from hand injury.

Hello everybody,
First of all, thank you for letting me into this forum and any answers or comments will be greatly appreciated.
About 6 or 7 years ago after loosing my temper, I punched with my right hand a piece of furniture 3/4 thick of plywood (Believe me I know how stupid and immature that is) but coming from some boxing background at that split of a second sounded like a great idea.. I can't recall if the next day my hand was swollen, but It was hurting so I went to the doctor fearing that I could have fracture my hand. Crazy enough, there was no fracture but the Dr after examining hand prescribed me a hand brace.
At the time I was working at a restaurant and I had to be chopping A LOT of vegetables and so on, that I had to stop using such hand brace.
In the process I realize that there is a little lump in the palm of my right hand under the wedding ring finger. I figured since there was no fracture maybe the bone( metacarpal I think is called) had something around it, inflamed. Either one of my hands had never hurt in the past, and no lump ever existed.
So, here is my dilemma, I had never heard of this disease before nor seen any member of my family have it, this doesn't say much but it is still weird to me, and that after 7 years, it still hurts, yet there is no pulling of the finger inwards but if you look at my hand ,and google Dupuytren's desease. My hand looks text book D.C.
A month ago I decided to have a HAND DR. look at my hand again and he says that I have D.C. And that he couldn't do anything until it got worst.
Can the trauma to my hand had caused my to have a growth that acts just like D.C? I'm not saying that I cannot have the desease but I just wanted to know if someone else has gone through the same.
I little about me: I was born in Argentina, came to live to the USA when I was 17.
Coming from Arg, I have European Blood from all Over that Continent, Italian, German, Spanish and a little Native Chilean.
I'm sooo sorry for the bad grammar, and overall horrid structure of this text. but it been a long day and my eyes are shutting down, if you can read through this and give me you 2 cents I will appreciate it.

I'm attaching a real time pic of my hand.
I hope you can see it well.

Thank you again.


02/27/2013 08:13


02/27/2013 08:13


Re: Dupuytren Contracture diagnosed from hand injury.

It looks a bit like my hand and I have DC. There are papers that report links between trauma, injury,surgery, and manual use of the hands with DC. Certainly other people on here have said their DC started after an injury or surgery (for carpal tunnel).

Read through the information on this site. There is lots you can do, including nothing but accurately and objectively monitor it for changes, plan some treatment, could be RT if it develops fast and starts a contracture, or find out who in your area treats via RT, NA or Xiaflex.

Oh yes, and start taking care of your hands, that usually means gloves, avoid strain, and so on.

Edited 02/27/13 10:14

02/27/2013 08:13


02/27/2013 08:13


Re: Dupuytren Contracture diagnosed from hand injury.

Hi Emiliano, welcome to our forum! An injury or surgery can trigger Dupuytren's disease. If ou are interested in more information you might check http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...ure_trauma.html. For a start it might be interestng to read a few more pages on this web site, e.g. on Dupuytren's http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytrens_contracture.html and on therapy options http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr..._therapies.html.


02/28/2013 13:25
02/28/2013 13:25
Re: Dupuytren Contracture diagnosed from hand injury.

As always, I am so impressed with Wach's reply. It's concise and helpful.

Emiliano, I've noticed a number of posts on this forum from people who report getting nodules after an injury to the hand.

One thing that I don't recall reading is whether the further development of the DD is any different, comparing when the nodules develop soon after an injury vs. when they develop gradually with no particular recent trauma.

02/28/2013 13:47


02/28/2013 13:47


Re: Dupuytren Contracture diagnosed from hand injury.

Hi John,

thank you for your comment & compliment which is well appreciated ... I believe the question you are asking abou tinjury and non-injury Dupuytren's is probably a very good one. Ghazi Rayan raised that some time ago http://dupuytrens.org/DupPDFs/2005_Rayan_1482.pdf. It's not fully answered yet but he might be right that there are different types of Dupuytren's with different levels of aggressiveness.


As always, I am so impressed with Wach's reply. It's concise and helpful.

Emiliano, I've noticed a number of posts on this forum from people who report getting nodules after an injury to the hand.

One thing that I don't recall reading is whether the further development of the DD is any different, comparing when the nodules develop soon after an injury vs. when they develop gradually with no particular recent trauma.

02/28/2013 15:01
02/28/2013 15:01
Re: Dupuytren Contracture diagnosed from hand injury.

Keep in mind that this might not get any worse the rest of your life. The "hurting" part of this might be something other than Dupuytren's. If this gets active the next thing you will notice is a cord forming toward a finger. From the picture it looks like that is happening, but again it might not get worse.

02/28/2013 21:49
02/28/2013 21:49
Re: Dupuytren Contracture diagnosed from hand injury.

I am one of those people that developed DC as a result of hand surgery. I have no family histoty of DC and no symptoms prior to the hand surgery. It showed really quickly after the surgery and I have been fretting about it ever since. I had the surgery 6 years ago and it does not seem to me to have gotten any worse. I have thought about the radiation treatment but the poor access to this treatment in Seattle has kept me on the fence. Now I am wondering if my DC will progress or if it will just stay as it is for the rest of my life, which is not that bad.

03/01/2013 06:28


03/01/2013 06:28


Re: Dupuytren Contracture diagnosed from hand injury.

If it hasn't changed in the recent yeras why should it progress now? If you have no major problems with your current situation a "wait and see" is probably the best (and cheapest) approach.


I am one of those people that developed DC as a result of hand surgery. I have no family histoty of DC and no symptoms prior to the hand surgery. It showed really quickly after the surgery and I have been fretting about it ever since. I had the surgery 6 years ago and it does not seem to me to have gotten any worse. I have thought about the radiation treatment but the poor access to this treatment in Seattle has kept me on the fence. Now I am wondering if my DC will progress or if it will just stay as it is for the rest of my life, which is not that bad.

03/05/2013 05:40
03/05/2013 05:40
Re: Dupuytren Contracture diagnosed from hand injury.

I had a very very similar situation to yours. I foolishly followed the advice to get Dupuytren's surgery on my painful, injured hand and the surgery did nothing but to make my pain even worse.

My advice to you is to stop working for long enough for your hand to heal, if your job is irritating your hand.

Quit the job if it involves using the hand too much, and wear the hand brace until your hand heals. Also use DMSO gel to heal your injury . Avoid any repetitive stress motions like excessive keyboarding or video gaming . Do not play golf or hockey or any violent sport which will be injurious to your hand. To relieve your pain use ice packs at night before sleep and become concious of every single daily movement you may be making which irritates the injury. This is extremely difficult for a man used to a rough and tumble life of manual labor and sports and fighting etc., I know. Been there , wish I hadn't done that.
Drink clean , pure spring water, and avoid fluoride, MSG and aspartame like the plague. MSG is in virtually every processed food, so you will have to stop eating canned and frozen and packaged convenience foods.
The longer you can go without even slightly irritating it the better .
You will probably eventually notice the swelling going down.

DMSO gel is an incredible healer. There are also some very good pain relief creams available which can be combined with DMSO.

If the option of resting the hand is unavailable , then look into getting a monthly injection into the nodule with a freezing anaesthetic/cortisone shot from a pain clinic and use the freezer packs regularly. Get an electric massager which you can use to desensitize the nerves in your injured palm prior to sleeping.

03/05/2013 17:26
03/05/2013 17:26
Re: Dupuytren Contracture diagnosed from hand injury.

FreshThePain, I don't think I've heard of this before:

"avoid fluoride, MSG and aspartame like the plague. MSG is in virtually every processed food, so you will have to stop eating canned and frozen and packaged convenience foods."

What's the reasoning?

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hyperproliferative   processed   surgery   aggressiveness   aspartame   convenience   treatment   FreshThePain   Dupuytren   non-aggressive   Excitotoxins   dupuytren-online   fluoride   diagnosed   Definitely   conventional   appreciated   Contracture   development   recommendations