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Swelling two months after Xiaflex?
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06/18/2012 14:40
06/18/2012 14:40
Re: Swelling two months after Xiaflex?

Im not sure how they work but they work.I couldnt hardly go a day without them now the swelling is completly gone.I have some ready for my next injections probly in august.Dave

How long did you need them after an injection?

~ dawn

06/18/2012 21:56
06/18/2012 21:56
Re: Swelling two months after Xiaflex?

I had my last injection March 10th Started to wear them couple weeks later and havnt wore them for couple weeks now.So like 4 or 5 weeks.That xiaflex is nasty stuff,I just want to stress that point to those who are goin for it.They told me at the clinic ,"its like runnin your hand over with a truck".I think Dawn will agree with that.Dave

06/19/2012 02:49
06/19/2012 02:49
Re: Swelling two months after Xiaflex?

You must still feel it is worth it because of the results, 'cause you go back for more.

06/20/2012 00:09
06/20/2012 00:09
Re: Swelling two months after Xiaflex?

I have been Waiting a long time for Xiaflex,My surgeon in Michigan told me it was comin way back in like 2005,so i waited and waited.Then outa the blue They called me from Oklahoma I had contacted them a couple years before when the first clinics were bein set up.So I am so happy that I found something that works on my hands witout havin any more surgery.Dr Frazier is so passionate about this drug he has not done a surgery in 6 years for Dups.He truly believes he can release any contraction with it.He has made a believer out of not only me but the entire staff at Health Resource Institute.He walks on water,His confiedence and belief in this drug is enough for me to drive 10,000 miles in 4 months just to see him.Dave

06/20/2012 02:49
06/20/2012 02:49
Re: Swelling two months after Xiaflex?

I wish I could take all of ya to meet Dr Fraizer,You wouldnt have anyone else.He is my 7th hand surgeon.He knows so much more about dups than anyone Ive ever seen,Its his life,even though he does so much more ortho stuff.This is his baby.Dave

06/20/2012 03:50
06/20/2012 03:50
Re: Swelling two months after Xiaflex?

That's great! There is something special about doctors who get involved with this disease. Dr. Denkler is passionate about NA and Xiaflex. He, too, believe he can release most with NA or Xiaflex. He doesn't say that there won't be some that will require surgery but it would be a very, very small percentage.
The last time I saw him, he told me about an article/research he had read the night before. He said his bedtime reading was about Dupytren's. We both had a laugh about that.

06/20/2012 23:46
06/20/2012 23:46
Re: Swelling two months after Xiaflex?

I think that dups is such mystery from person to person certain Docs seem to want to see what makes it tick.Other Docs want little or nothin to do with it.We have come along way the last 10 years.The next 10 years should be exciting,Dave

Edited 06/21/12 02:46

06/21/2012 04:11
06/21/2012 04:11
Re: Swelling two months after Xiaflex?

I agree with those that say there are doctors out there who are passionate about the treatments and options that became available in the last several years for Dupuytren's. Between radiation, NA and Xiaflex we have come a long way from the days, ten years ago, when all there was was surgery... or... doctors/surgeons who told you to just wait until the contracture is above 40 degrees and only then to come back to them for surgery.

My Dupuytren's began in one hand about ten years ago, later spread to the second hand and then Ledderhose in one foot... and I remember the frustrating visits to four different surgeons who only talked about surgery. I am grateful to Wolfgang and this Forum for all that I have learned and continue to learn....I've had a successful radiation treatment and I have had NA with Dr. Eaton and Dr. Denkler (two wonderful, passionate doctors)....but have had to deal with recurrence.

I am anxiously waiting for more studies to compare the success of Xiaflex to NA and hope to see more advances in the near future.

06/21/2012 13:02


06/21/2012 13:02


Study comparing collagenase with needle fasciotomy

Denmark is about to start a randomised study comparing PNF (NA) and Xiapex (Xiaflex) http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/r...8017&rank=1

They are looking specifically at PIP joints where they expect results, i.e. recurrence, earlier but they believe it will still take them two years before they have reliable data.


I am anxiously waiting for more studies to compare the success of Xiaflex to NA and hope to see more advances in the near future.

Edited 06/21/12 16:26

06/21/2012 13:16
06/21/2012 13:16
Re: Swelling two months after Xiaflex?

Glad to see you back, Luba!

We are fortunate to live now when we have options other than surgery. Even in the past 4 years when Dupuytren's made an uninvited entry into my life, there are many more docs who are passionate about Dups. RT and Xiaflex have been added as treatment options along with NA. It is a more positive outlook for all of us.

Wolfgang, you have made this information available and expanded the knowledge about available treatments and providers by setting up this website. We all appreciate the way you set up this website and all you have done and continue to do. Thank you!

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