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03/17/2013 21:38
03/17/2013 21:38
newbie questions

Hello All,

I'm a 48 year old female who was diagnosed by a rheumatologist with early Duputren's in my right hand about 5 years ago. I went to see him because my finger joints were occasionally inflamed and he showed me a very early node on the palm of my right hand, diagnosed me, and said and that I might need hand surgery at some point, but I was far from that.

Since then, I have noticed slight contraction in my right palm, but i can still lay it flat. Here's the thing I'm wondering about however--my fingers seem to have the opposite problem that I read about associated with Duputren's (finger stiffening versus pulling in.) The finger joints stiffened so I can't bend them quite as far. But still, no biggie...my right hand is fully functional. Maybe in a stabilizing period?

But THEN, my left hand started and seems to be progressing quickly. I have been a long-time user of low dose benzodiazopenese for sleep (big, big, huge mistake of my life..more dependency-creating than Heroin and messes with all your body systems.) I have had extreme difficulty getting off them. I was interested to read this on the site: See: J. Rothmeier and W. Froscher "Connective tissue changes during longterm anticonvulsive therapy" Fortschritte der Medizin 107(1989) p743-747 und P. Coral et al. "Dupuytren's and Ledderhose's diseases associated with chronic use of anticonvulsants"

Benzos are anti-convulsants and in fact I'm dealing w/lots of muscle spasms as I taper. Anyone else see a correlation w/benzo use and Duputren's? I did read about Phenobarbitol, but didn't see benzos so I wondered.

Anyway, at last I am having success slowly ditching the benzos by doing a two year daily microtaper in milk w/the medication (if you can believe it.) One year to go. But before I started that, under a neurologist's strong recommendation, he had me aggressively cut the Ativan I was on at the time and that's when the left hand contracture started quite quickly.

Mostly, what I have noticed progressing at an alarming rate, is that my middle, ring, and pinkie fingers on the left hand are bending less and less, making it difficult to grasp. (Thumb and index finger totally fine.) Recently, I notice that if I fan my hand, I experience pain in the tendons on the top of my hand (not palm) above the ring and pinkie fingers. Is this experience consistent with early Dup? What I read seems to describe the opposite: fingers pulling in. My joints are hyperflexible so I can still hold my fingers at a 90 degree angle to my palm.

My priority is ideally completing this medication taper over the next year before considering other treatments or procedures since the taper is a dicey process already and all kinds of things seem to complicate withdrawal. BUT I would like to have use of my hand when I am done, partciularly since I am a writer and need my fingers for typing. I was interested to read about the radiotherapy and wonder if I should investigate this now. I'd appreciate any advice or confirmation that this in fact Dupuytren's and not something else. (For instance, a side effect of long-term benzo use can also be movement disorders. I wonder if this is that?)

I related to the story I read about Dup and poor circulation as my hands are always freezing so maybe that has paid a part as well.

Thanks for any info!


03/17/2013 22:28


03/17/2013 22:28


Re: newbie questions

Welcome to the forum Chris.

It's difficult to try diagnosis on the Internet, and I at least am not a doctor. You mention a lump four years ago, but no further mention of nodules or cords which are the main symptoms of DD that lead to contracture. Do you have nodules or cords in the palm, or fingers on the palm side or even along the sides?

You say your fingers are stiff, presumably you cannot curl them into the palm so easily? Can you do so with assistance from the other hand? If not is it the joints, or perhaps you have knuckle or Garrod's pads that might inhibit closing the fingers? There can be other causes than DD that cause 'stiff fingers'.

I would visit a hand specialist for a diagnosis.

Edited 03/18/13 00:30

03/17/2013 23:57
03/17/2013 23:57
Re: newbie questions

You mention a lump four years ago, but no further mention of nodules or cords which are the main symptoms of DD that lead to contracture. Do you have nodules or cords in the palm, or fingers on the palm side or even along the sides?

You say your fingers are stiff, presumably you cannot curl them into the palm so easily? Can you do so with assistance from the other hand? If not is it the joints, or perhaps you have knuckle or Garrod's pads that might inhibit closing the fingers? There can be other causes than DD that cause 'stiff fingers'.

I would visit a hand specialist for a diagnosis.

I honestly can't feel a lump/nodule on the palm of my right hand, but I think there is a cord. On the left hand with the fingers I can barely bend, there is a distinct nodule which i just noticed a month ago and I think a cord extending from the nodule. As for curling my fingers, they will not bend all the way to make a fist, even with help from the other hand! It's like they are becoming frozen due to nonbendable joints.

I so appreciate your thoughts here. I will go read up on Garrod's pads. How do I go about finding a qualified "hand specialist?" I guess I'd prefer someone who is not a surgeon so they don't tell me I need surgery right off the bat. What other titles might they have? I am in the San Diego area in case anyone can recommend someone.

Thanks so much,


03/17/2013 23:59
03/17/2013 23:59
Re: newbie questions

Ok. Definitely not Garrod's pads. While I do notice my joints are slightly swollen (cannot wear my wedding ring now), they look completely normal to the naked eye.


03/18/2013 12:27
03/18/2013 12:27
Re: newbie questions


I had a nodule in the middle of my palm and a cord that went from the base of the middle finger through the palm. RT got rid of the nodule but the cord remains. I can't close the hand as tight as the non DD hand. My middle finger is stiffer and I can not bend it as far as the other fingers. My grasp in the DD hand is not a tight as the non DD hand. Finger stiffness can also be caused by osteoarthritis. I have arthritis in the DD fingers. The arthritis occured at the same time as the DD.


03/18/2013 13:29
03/18/2013 13:29
Re: newbie questions


Just guessing, but I think your primary problem with your fingers is not Dupuytren's. I would doubt if any hand surgeon would recommend surgery for Dupuytren's for your hand until it was contracted at least 30 degrees. Even then, there are other options.

03/18/2013 14:02
03/18/2013 14:02
Re: newbie questions


I had a nodule in the middle of my palm and a cord that went from the base of the middle finger through the palm. RT got rid of the nodule but the cord remains. I can't close the hand as tight as the non DD hand. My middle finger is stiffer and I can not bend it as far as the other fingers. My grasp in the DD hand is not a tight as the non DD hand. Finger stiffness can also be caused by osteoarthritis. I have arthritis in the DD fingers. The arthritis occured at the same time as the DD.


Thanks so much Lori and Callie. Lori—Your DD sounds similar to my problem. I don't mind the cords if the RT stops the progression effectively. Is there anyone who has anything bad to say about their RT experience if the DD was early, not in an advanced stage? The osteoarthritis is an intersting idea: quick onset though? When I wake in the morning part of my palm where the stiff fingers and nodule are feels stiff. That's not a DD like issue is it?

Callie—I was not considering hand surgery. I was just wondering about getting an accurate diagnosis from a hand surgeon, who may or may not be familiar with RT as an option. I think I will call the doctor listed on this site who does RT here in San Diego and asked who he would recommend for an accurate diagnosis first.

Are DD exams only based on palpating the hand, examining it, tabletop exercise? Or do they sometimes do ultrasound or other things? I read that some patients have had doctors identify other nodules they didn't know they had.

Is it a mistake to think--if I have DD and then RT--that I can continue all my keyboarding for my writing? I write books for a living!

Thanks so much everyone!


Edited 03/18/13 16:14

03/18/2013 14:27


03/18/2013 14:27


Re: newbie questions

Hi Chris,

radiotherapy works only in the early stage, not anymore when you have strong cords or bent fingers. You might have a look at http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiation_therapy.html for more details.

Using your keyboard after RT is no problem. I myself had 4x RT in various areas of my hands and I am still typing happily along.


... Is there anyone who has anything bad to say about their RT experience if the DD was early, not in an advanced stage?
Is it a mistake to think--if I have DD and then RT--that I can continue all my keyboarding for my writing? I write books for a living!

Thanks so much everyone!


Edited 03/18/13 16:27

03/18/2013 14:48
03/18/2013 14:48
Re: newbie questions

In my case, I had RT and didn't feel or notice anything but improvement. The nodules have gone down in size considerably and the active growth has diminished.

I don't think the RT will affect your hand stiffness.

03/18/2013 15:26
03/18/2013 15:26
Re: newbie questions

Thanks Wach. Yes, I read up there on RT already. I don't have strong cords (but do have cords) or any bent fingers. It would seem I have early stage DD, but I just made an appt for late next week with a hand specialist.

Callie—Yes, I guess the part that confuses me is the fingers I can't straighten which came on at the same time as the apparent DD nodule (or slightly before) and some type of rapid progression is taking place where I feel pain over recent weeks along the tendons on the top of my hand above my pinkie and ring finger.

Looking forward to figuring this all out next week. About to take on a new book project here shortly and I'm hoping this won't aggravate my hands.

I so appreciate eveyone's kind responses!


Edited 03/18/13 17:40

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Phenobarbitol   dependency-creating   recommendation   questions   specialist   anticonvulsants   progression   benzodiazopenese   experience   diagnosis   rheumatologist   anticonvulsive   anti-convulsants   radiotherapy   nodules   dupuytren-online   fingers   arthritis   spanishbuddha   osteoarthritis