Dupuytrenes caused by hand surgery |
10/10/2020 02:51
10/10/2020 02:51
Dupuytrenes caused by hand surgery
I'm a current Dupuytrenes patient and former nurse. I developed Dupuytrenes without contractures in both hands after having cmc joint surgery on each hand, one year apart. The Dupuytrenes literally developed within the first few weeks while my hands were still in the postoperative splints. Question 1. Has anyone else developed Dupuytrenes as a result of hand surgery or trauma?
I've been told that I now need bilateral carpal tunnel surgery, and needless to say I'm not sure I want to take the chance. Question 2. Has anyone with Dupuytrenes had carpal tunnel surgery and it created additional nodules or cording?
10/10/2020 06:43
spanishbuddha Administrator
10/10/2020 06:43
spanishbuddha Administrator
Re: Dupuytrenes caused by hand surgery
Tswearingen: I'm a current Dupuytrenes patient and former nurse. I developed Dupuytrenes without contractures in both hands after having cmc joint surgery on each hand, one year apart. The Dupuytrenes literally developed within the first few weeks while my hands were still in the postoperative splints. Question 1. Has anyone else developed Dupuytrenes as a result of hand surgery or trauma?
I've been told that I now need bilateral carpal tunnel surgery, and needless to say I'm not sure I want to take the chance. Question 2. Has anyone with Dupuytrenes had carpal tunnel surgery and it created additional nodules or cording?
Hi, yes unfortunately it's very common to hear of people developing DD after hand, wrist, arm surgery. We often (even mostly) hear of it after carpal tunnel surgery. There is also a link established to trauma https://dupuytrens.org/dupuytren-literature-injury/ and again often after wrist surgery following a fall or similar injury. As a result it's not uncommon for people having corrective DC surgery to then have a flare up or rapid recurrence following the surgery. There are trials underway to see if RT helps after surgery, and a lot of anecdotal reports that RT following NA or Xiaflex does slow down or inhibit the rapid recurrence sometimes seen. Presumably you have exhausted the conservative measures for your carpal tunnel? After that explore the minimal traumatic options available in some places via endoscopy or similar. If you have indications of DD diathesis you could look into RT anyway, but timing is important.
11/19/2020 13:24
11/19/2020 13:24
Re: Dupuytrenes caused by hand surgery
Hi, I had carpal tunnel surgery 4 and a half years ago. Didn't realise there was a connection to Dupuytrens----interesting!
11/19/2020 14:37
spanishbuddha Administrator
11/19/2020 14:37
spanishbuddha Administrator
Re: Dupuytrenes caused by hand surgery
Narla: Hi, I had carpal tunnel surgery 4 and a half years ago. Didn't realise there was a connection to Dupuytrens----interesting!
Yes sadly it seems to be common, other wrist or finger surgeries, broken wrist, trigger finger. The dilemma is surgical corrections for DD may also cause a flare or recurrence. There are related specific conditions, and one other common one is frozen shoulder.
11/19/2020 18:52
11/19/2020 18:52
Re: Dupuytrenes caused by hand surgery
Tswearingen: I'm a current Dupuytrenes patient and former nurse. I developed Dupuytrenes without contractures in both hands after having cmc joint surgery on each hand, one year apart. The Dupuytrenes literally developed within the first few weeks while my hands were still in the postoperative splints. Question 1. Has anyone else developed Dupuytrenes as a result of hand surgery or trauma?
I've been told that I now need bilateral carpal tunnel surgery, and needless to say I'm not sure I want to take the chance. Question 2. Has anyone with Dupuytrenes had carpal tunnel surgery and it created additional nodules ogmail.comr cording?
Dear Mrs/Mr. Tswearingen ...
Over more than 20 yeears of clinical experience as a radiation oncologist I can confirm that I coud observe in several clients a DIRECT LINK of different SURGICAL TRAUMATA (either CMC-JOINT-Surgery, Fracture of finger, hand or lowerarm plus surgical repositioning procedures, invasive carpal tunnel release surgery or Tenosynovitis Release Surgery) as important TRIGGER MECHANISM to start of a HIDDEN or INHERENT DISPOSITION of DUPUYTREN or (on the foot) LEDDERHOSE DISEASE.
Those patients - often with rapid onset - should not wait too long and seek the advice of hand specialists but also of experienced radiation oncologists to get informed about the different options to stop DD or LD at an early stage ...
I am open to help and provide better and profound medical (video) consultation outside this open forum if requested via my E-mail-contact: prof.seegenschmiedt@com
Edited 11/19/20 20:55
11/21/2020 06:33
11/21/2020 06:33
Re: Dupuytrenes caused by hand surgery
Another reason to defer DC surgery then, I wouldn't want a recurrance of carpal tunnel syndrome, now that WAS painful!!