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Dupuytrens and ultra running
11/08/2021 02:11
11/08/2021 02:11
Dupuytrens and ultra running

I am wondering about the relationship between having Dupuytrens on my R hand (recently diagnosed) and endurance sport, in particular trail & ultra running. What have people found who have the condition and ongoing involvement in such sports ?
I had two frozen shoulders in recent years for unknown reasons, plus some plantar fascia pain and now spurs. Seems that all these can be related to Dupuytrens.

Edited 11/08/21 04:17

11/08/2021 06:04


11/08/2021 06:04


Re: Dupuytrens and ultra running

For sure the conditions DD, LD, PD, FS are all related as forms of Fibromatosis, and it is not at all uncommon to have symptoms and develop further stages of more than one if you are susceptible. It's less clear about plantar fasciiitus, that's probably just an inflammatory injury caused by overuse, misuse, etc.

More info here https://www.dupuytren-online.info/related_diseases.html and here https://www.dupuytren-online.info/frozen_shoulder.html

11/08/2021 06:14
11/08/2021 06:14
Re: Dupuytrens and ultra running

Thanks, the linked info was good to read !

11/08/2021 06:23


11/08/2021 06:23


Re: Dupuytrens and ultra running

I had nasty plantar fasciitus that lasted a couple of years, from tennis and jogging. Tried nearly everything, insoles, orthotics, stretches, ice bottle rolls, spike ball rolls, massage, night boot, etc. In the course of this I discovered that in Germany at least they treat chronic PF with RT. Here in the UK I had the option of ESWT, which I did not have, but it cleared up during a rest period forced by an unrelated surgery. I was concerned that it would develop into LD but thankfully it did not. Sorbothane or similar quality insoles are in ALL my shoes.

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