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07/31/2013 18:35
07/31/2013 18:35

I'm having NA next month with Dr. Pess on at least two fingers of each hand. He is recommending Dynasplints. I've looked at some of the older posts her with regard to Dynasplints but I'd like any current information available. I just cannot imagine sleeping with a Dynasplint on *four* fingers. Also, anyone know if Medicare covers them? I'll call the company later but thought I'd ask.


07/31/2013 21:14
07/31/2013 21:14
Re: Dynasplint

Wow. I agree. They don't look comfortable at all and if you don't wear it what good is it. The custom splints made by a CHT look better to me. And it you have a finger or two contracted then the custom splint could accommodate those individual differences between patients.

07/31/2013 21:33
07/31/2013 21:33
Re: Dynasplint

Wow. I agree. They don't look comfortable at all and if you don't wear it what good is it. The custom splints made by a CHT look better to me. And it you have a finger or two contracted then the custom splint could accommodate those individual differences between patients.

Unfortunately, I've had two custom splints-- one in the Xiaflex trial made by a CHT and one after my 5th NA-this one for two fingers made by a CHT. I wore each of them for 5-6 months and still needed more NA in less than a 24 months. However, they weren't that uncomfortable

08/01/2013 04:00
08/01/2013 04:00
Re: Dynasplint

I'm having NA next month with Dr. Pess on at least two fingers of each hand. He is recommending Dynasplints. I've looked at some of the older posts her with regard to Dynasplints but I'd like any current information available. I just cannot imagine sleeping with a Dynasplint on *four* fingers. Also, anyone know if Medicare covers them? I'll call the company later but thought I'd ask.
I googled Dynasplints and if I found the one you are referring to , they don't look too comfortable, I don't think I would be able to sleep with it. After each of my NA procedures, (I have had three NA's...2 on PIP right small finger...and 1 on PIP left small finger) I tend to get a lot of swelling the first couple of months, so even custom made splints are not too comfortable for me, and by the time the swelling subsides, the PIP starts to contract again so wearing the night splints hasn't worked for me.

Best of luck Diane, with Dr. Pess.

Edited 08/02/13 08:42

fingers   Dynasplints   contracted   Medicare   splints   sleeping   swelling   patients   uncomfortable   comfortable   individual   recommending   information   splints--   accommodate   Unfortunately   Dynasplint   procedures   available   differences