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Eaton Strikes Again
08/08/2008 07:10
08/08/2008 07:10

Eaton Strikes Again

Eaton continues to push the envelope regarding NA education and promotion. Least one thinks that this is simply his self promotion, remember that he is quite willing to teach any qualified surgeon this procedure. He wants to give it away.


He makes it clear that what has allowed NA to begin to flourish in the US is the Internet. The "discussion group" he mentiones was the old Bio Specifics site on which a number of us were active. That site was overrun with spam and this current site has essentially picked up where BioS left off, thanks to Wolfgang. When Eaton talks abut the benefit of patients sharing their experience with each other on line.....he's talking about this Forum and what's left of BioSpecifics.

It's rewarding to see Eaton succeeding on his mission to spread NA around North America. If your CHS hasn't seen the light as yet, have him look at these clips. CHS don't change their minds easily but it's worth a shot.


NA isn't for every situation. More agressive disease just runs right over it with recurance. What it is however, is the first line of defense before resorting to full Open Surgery.

08/24/2008 13:54
Linda B

not registered

08/24/2008 13:54
Linda B

not registered

Re: Eaton Strikes Again

I saw Dr. Eaton in 04..I found him from the old forum..I love this doctor..He is not only a go gettum guy but a great personality..Very nice man and his office staff is great too..I told him I found him on this forum...Keep Going Doctor Eaton and all of you doctors that have had the good sense to follow him

08/24/2008 14:27
Linda B

not registered

08/24/2008 14:27
Linda B

not registered

Re: Eaton Strikes Again

I have continually passed this information onto my doctors..Chiropractor..who was interested..Internist..who was not/looked bored or like I did not know what I was talking about..He is Indian and they do not have this desease in India..that might explain his disinterest in information....I even gave him a copy of the doc magazine with Dr. Eaton's picture on it..I had another intermist/female..who actually called me and wanted more information..Dr. Julie Capone in Huntington Beach..at least she was open minded.....
My chiropractor was very interested and wanted informnation.Dr. John Fidoni..Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley area.......It has blown me away though at some of the doctors disinterest..Likw you know nothing..You are just a dumb patient..So I think all of you up coming doctors that have had in insight to go forward..Dr. Kline in Idaho, Dr.Benhaim at U.C.L.A and Dr. Dinkler in Larkspur/San Francisco area....Good Work doctors and a big thank you

08/26/2008 18:14
08/26/2008 18:14

Re: Eaton Strikes Again


"It has blown me away though at some of the doctors disinterest..Likw you know nothing..You are just a dumb patient.."

Just imagine what the original posters on the old BioS Forum went through before Eaton was on board. They had no authority they could point to. Still, they knew from first hand experience in France what they had to share. A poster named Walt made a video of his French procedure and made it available for $5. I got one. So did a patient of Eaton's. Eaton wanted to do OS on her and she simply asked him if he would look at Walt's video. Now you *know* just how amazing it was that he complied. Beyond that he got excited and asked the patient if she would be willing for him to try NA on her with *no* training other than seeing the video. She complied and the rest is history. Eaton was so amazed with his own results that he flew to France to compare notes.

We got incredibly lucky with Eaton, who essentially recruited himself into being the medical impresario of US NA.

Even so, 99% of CHS will not do NA. They will not listed to Eaton either! I've learned quite a bit about the medical profession from watching this unfold. I will never blindly trust any medical authority's opinion ever again. My left OS hand will always remind me not to. We have the Internet now and only have ourselves to blame for not doing our own research for other opinions and options.

08/31/2008 09:22
08/31/2008 09:22
Re: Eaton Strikes Again

Linda in California, U.S.A
I agree RANDY..
IJUST STUMBLED ACROSS THE OLD FORUM..Read it for a little over a year before Dr. Eaton came on the scene..I am a non flyer..and have never used a doctor from the internet but, I was on that plane immediately to Jupiter..I think I was patient 400 or close to that... That is how fast the info got out there...
I remember reading Walts Forum..and a man named Jerry..Jerry finally told me to get off the stick and go as I was asking a million questions,,,,Thank you Jerry..I will never forget you..

08/31/2008 09:41
08/31/2008 09:41
Re: Eaton Strikes Again

Linda in California, U.S.A

I remember one of the things that Jerry told me..read/read/read DO YOUR RESEARCH..I know it takes alot of time and sometimes I have printed some info..New people have much more resources than we did in the beginning......READ PEOPLE..Learn as much as you can..and if any doctor does not do the N/A and suggest traditional sugery....Get out of his office as fast as you can..Once you have the traditional surgery it is almost imposible to do N/A/ AND THE RECOVERY TIME FOR TRADITIONAL SURGERY IS MONTHS AND MONTHS..with no more of an improvement than n/a..It just costs more and doctors get paid morre by insurance companies...
I hope this helps someone....

09/03/2008 13:03

not registered

09/03/2008 13:03

not registered

Re: Eaton Strikes Again

does anyone know of any doctors in colorado who do NA?

09/03/2008 19:26
09/03/2008 19:26
Re: Eaton Strikes Again

Linda in California, U.S.A

HI..GO TO WWW.THEHANDCENTER.ORG..THEN click on visitors..it will give you a list of doctors that have trained or come to Florida to see Dr. Eaton..it will also give you doctors in U.S. and Europe..Most of these doctors have web sites..Dr. Eaton has generously provided the information for us..
Good Luck..

Huntington   improvement   information   Chiropractor   informnation   continually   THEHANDCENTER   immediately   Strikes   patient   traditional   California   interested   personality   BioSpecifics   disinterest   doctors   experience   handcenter   essentially