enzyme discussion |
06/03/2008 10:26
gordynot registered
06/03/2008 10:26
gordynot registered
enzyme discussion
Hi, I read Curt the criopractor's input on the enzyms stuff, but I agree with Randy, his symptoms do not sound like dupuytrens. But I am happy for him that he found a solution to his disorder. But is there some type of "enzyme" treatment in the works for dupuytrens? I read a post earlier, that one poster made the statement to the orginal poster that if he can wait till 2009 or 2010 there might be such a treatment available.
Thanks for any input,
06/24/2008 13:26
gordynot registered
06/24/2008 13:26
gordynot registered
Re: enzyme discussion
Hi, I read Curt the criopractor's input on the enzyms stuff, but I agree with Randy, his symptoms do not sound like dupuytrens. But I am happy for him that he found a solution to his disorder. But is there some type of "enzyme" treatment in the works for dupuytrens? I read a post earlier, that one poster made the statement to the orginal poster that if he can wait till 2009 or 2010 there might be such a treatment available.
Thanks for any input,
Well, I guess I must have missunderstood the earlier post as no one has commented on this one. Even if this enzyme therapy is a few years away, I don't believe I can wait that long. I have had surgery 4 times each hand. And am in need of it again. Maybe the 6th time there will be other alternatives for me, LOL
06/24/2008 20:34
06/24/2008 20:34
AA4500 (Xiaflex) from Auxilium is probably the "enzyme" you've heard about. It's in late-stage trials and seems to work well. At some point in the not-to-distant future, it should be available and I would definitely wait for it if at all possible, rather than have another convenentional surgery. Just Google on "Xiaflex", "AA4500" or "Auxilium" for plenty of information.
06/26/2008 03:57
06/26/2008 03:57

Re: enzyme discussion
When jim_h says that he believes that Collegenase injections will be available in the foreseeable, you know it has to be true! :-)
However, if the contracted cords are a in new location not under scar tissue from your other surgeries you can do NA now. In fact, Dr. Denkler in CA has actually done minimal surgery to cut through old scar tissue to do NA below the surface. It's a combination approach. The last thing you need is another full Open Surgery so I'd exhaust all other options first.