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fastdiet and Dupuytren's?
08/27/2013 02:43
08/27/2013 02:43
fastdiet and Dupuytren's?


I wondered if anyone on the forum saw the program with TV presenter Dr. Michael Moseley about the Fastdiet (or 5:2) diet. This is the diet in which one eats regularly 5 days a week, and fasts (500 calories per day/woman; 600 per day/man) 2 days a week. The arguments for fasting were so compelling I also bought the book. Apparently, when one is fasting, levels of IGF-1 decrease significantly, and the body changes from a state in which it is reproducing new cells to one in which it is repairing cells (if I am understanding correctly). Lower levels of IGF-1 mean a decreased risk of certain cancers. Since Dupuytren's is a proliferative disorder, I am curious about the possible effects of intermittent fasting on Dupuytren's.

Mainly, just wondering if anyone else saw this show and wondered about this as well?
Megan L

08/27/2013 12:32


08/27/2013 12:32


Re: fastdiet and Dupuytren's?

I did not see the programme. But I've been on the 5:2 diet since January. The good news is I've lost maybe a stone (14lbs) or at least 2" off the waist. The bad news is I developed new nodules and cords in that time, in a previously dormant hand, that continue to progress.

08/27/2013 22:25
08/27/2013 22:25
Re: fastdiet and Dupuytren's?

Wow...that is a lot of wait to lose! I'm glad to hear the 5:2 diet is so successful.

I wish it had a slightly more noticeable effect on Dupuytren's, though. That would really be something.

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