Feedback on possible Dupuytren |
10/13/2021 20:27
10/13/2021 20:27
Feedback on possible Dupuytren
I am 10 weeks post-op from a surgical procedure to put in plates/screws following a Colles fracture. My wrist has shown progress but I've had continued mild inflammation and stiffness in my fingers/hand which has been more problematic at this point than my wrist. I noticed a thickening of tissue in the area between the distal and proximal creases (so at the MCP joints) of that hand that is a little more pronounced between the ring and little fingers, where those creases widen out a bit. I had my last OT session today and when I pointed it out to her she thought it could be early Dupuytrens. (I also happen to be a retired OT, but not in this area of speciality...which perhaps makes it worse as I know enough to worry, but not enough to know!) She also identified a trigger finger at the middle digit where she can feel clicking when I flex the fingers. Anyways, she said if I saw my hand surgeon he wouldn't do anything at this point, but play a waiting game to see if and how it evolves. I have none of the identified risk factors, but also have read that this kind of trauma can result in this.
Just looking for thoughts on whether I do indeed have to play the waiting game. I do have an appointment with the PA at the end of the month so can inquire further with her, and it does provide an additional couple of weeks to play this out. In looking at options with radiotherapy it appears that early treatment is the best, but what does that mean? So I'm curious how Dupuytren's is diagnosed, and what 'early treatment' means. Thanks for any feedback and insights.
10/16/2021 22:08
10/16/2021 22:08
Re: Feedback on possible Dupuytren
Is it advised that I do gentle massage of the area? Is there any research or professional advice from the specialists in this area regarding this? Thanks so much.