Fingers Numbing After NA and Radiation! |
12/25/2010 19:30
12/25/2010 19:30
Fingers Numbing After NA and Radiation!
I have had the NA surgery and radiation 6 months ago and I am experiencing numbing in my fingers. They turn white and blue, especially right after carrying a bucket. Even a small container of ice cream with a handle has caused almost immediate numbing, discoloration and coldness. Has anyone heard of these complications associated with my course of treatment?
Thanks so much and Merry Christmas to you all!
Kenny in Boise, Idaho USA
12/26/2010 00:46
12/26/2010 00:46

Re: Fingers Numbing After NA and Radiation!
Australia Calling. Hi .Firstly I have not had NA. I have had many surgeries including grafts and in 07 radiotherapy .I find it difficult to carry large buckets or even a paint pot . I always wear gloves. There are many different types of gloves available from industry safety shops.Not expensive. I have found a cotton type with rubber facing. They all come out of China today. You might also try fitting a larger diameter plastic sleeve on the handle, which spreads the load and removes the stress from the joints of the fingers. Best of Luck
Edited 12/26/10 07:35