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~dq~Surgery, would you do it again?~dq~
01/15/2003 23:01
Jim Murphy

not registered

01/15/2003 23:01
Jim Murphy

not registered

~dq~Surgery, would you do it again?~dq~

Tom, I just looked at the Forum and have the same question you ask. I am now 3 months after surgery with exactly the same symptoms and frustrations you describe. I hope your inquiry will bring some informative responses and hopefully some encouragement. I would like to know whether and how much age is a factor in good surgery outcome. I am 78 and very disappointed in my outcome so far. When I told my surgeon of my disappointment his honest response was so was he. I see him again next week and will let you know what he says. A month age he prescribed Methylprednisolone 4mg, 6 day package, I think to try to help the soreness and scar sensitivity. May have helped a little. Now I just want to know how long and how diligently must we continue with all the splints, therapy, etc. and are we really getting any improvement from all that effort? Other's experience will be helpful. Since we are both in Atlanta lets try to get together asap and compare notes. Jim Murphy

04/15/2003 23:45
F. Adcock

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04/15/2003 23:45
F. Adcock

not registered

~dq~Surgery, would you do it again?~dq~

Would be interested in MDs you considered in the Atlanta area. Know there are lots of good Docs including Emory U. I live in Chattanooga area and will want to find out where or who to go to -- thanks for any info either of you can provide relative to available service in the Atlanta area.

04/16/2003 23:47
Margaret G

not registered

04/16/2003 23:47
Margaret G

not registered

Going again for surgery Thursday

Have had 5 surgeries on lt. hand and 2 on right hand. Have severe case of Dupuytrens, never had much use of alcohol so that's not related to me. Started this about 25yrs ago. Had two skin graft on small finger, they are still bent but not as bad as they could have been. I just have the surgery to prevent it from getting too bad. My lt. hand is the worse, that's my writing hand, even have had the thumb done. There will come a time when I wont do any more surgeries as I'm 65 now and have been doing this for many years. I put it off as long as possible, my last surgery was 5 yrs ago. I have had the blocks for 5 of the operations and 2 with general anethesia quite a few years ago. Want to hear from anybody that has had the general anethesia recently to let me know if they have had any trouble with it. Thank you, and good luck to all of you. At least this is not a life threatening illness which we can be thankful for

04/17/2003 23:47
04/17/2003 23:47
General anesthesia

I had general anesthesia and had no problem. The 2 hours went by like it was 10 seconds. Did not have upset stomach or any side effects. My wife drove me home about an hour later.
Your situation shows how powerful the individual diathesis is. DC affects everyone differently.
Good luck

05/20/2003 23:19

not registered

05/20/2003 23:19

not registered

Surgery again?

I suspect that I would not do surgery again. Had it a little over a year ago on little finger with 40% contracture. Surgery was OK (three zigzag cuts with 12 stitches), although my dr. did not prepare me well. Thank goodness I had found a site that showed a likely surgery scenario. The "splint" for 10 days was what I would call a cast almost to my elbow, with much followup, etc. Anyway, I was only able to really do physical therapy (therapist's office and at home) for about 4 1/2 months, after which we were making a long distance move with complications. The therapy included spring splints, serial casting, etc. Even though at one time my finger was straightened following surgery, I am now left with about a 30% permanent crook.

My concern is that my index finger (!!) seems to be beginning contracture, and I'm not seeing anything about the promised collangenase treatments. Any help? I have not been able to search intensively, but will try to do so. I'd appreciate any feedback anyone has. Thanks

05/24/2003 23:41

not registered

05/24/2003 23:41

not registered

~dq~surgery, would you do it again?~dq~

Am 41 and have had 3 the first sucked had it redone 2yrs later was a great experience and even with a shin graft healed well an after 7 yrs hasn't returned to the small finger area shame it's in the thumb on that hand now.
Decided to have my left hand done still have stitches in my palm was a whole hand operation took about 3 1/2 hrs and seems to be way worse healing.As it was the whole hand feel way more unable to do stuff and with the slow recovery am concerned but after thinking about it hard had all the same thought before with the other surgerys.Gotta say it's not fun can make you feel very dicoraged but gotta be better than my father he's totally crippled in both hands with DC.

complications   Methylprednisolone   anesthesia   frustrations   sensitivity   experience   disappointed   improvement   differently   Chattanooga   straightened   ~dq~Surgery   contracture   threatening   intensively   disappointment   surgery   informative   encouragement   collangenase