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24 year old male with Dupuytrens???
09/05/2003 23:52
narinder singh

not registered

09/05/2003 23:52
narinder singh

not registered

24 year old male with Dupuytrens???

Dear all,
I am a 24 year old male, who in asian. I have lived all my life in England UK and have been recently told that i have Dupuytrens disease. My family are all originally from India.
I find it very hard to believe that i have this disease because
1)Im only 24, with no medical conditions or complaints
2) I have been told that this disease primarily effects "white" males!

do you think i should ask for a second opinion????

thank you for your time,

p.s. the only sign that i have of this condition is two lumps on my left hand with a dip in the middle of them. My fingers are perfectly straight and have had these lumps for about 2 or 3 years now.

09/05/2003 23:02
jim h

not registered

09/05/2003 23:02
jim h

not registered

Dupuytren of the foot - what treatments available?

It is believed that Dupuytren's is associated with the "Viking" or Celtic populations. But the biochemistry of this condition isn't understood, so the genetic link might be only a predisposition.

If the lumps in your hands have been stable for 2-3 years, I personally would not worry about them yet. DC can progress very slowly, even remaining dormant for many years. By the time you have an actual contracture, better treatments may be available.

09/06/2003 23:48
kenny n

not registered

09/06/2003 23:48
kenny n

not registered

Dupuytren of the foot - what treatments available?

jim is right.and there is nothing you can do anyway untill you get contracture so i wouldn't worry about it. there may be some link to your liver being the cause if it doesn't run in your family. again there is nothing you can do except try to avoid some of the things that stimulate growth. gucosamine, excessive alcohol use (party on dude on the weekends but avoid dailey use). things like that. read the other posts and you will find what other people feel stimulated their growth. most of us feel there will be some alternatives to surgury here in the future so be patient and don't do anything untill you have to

09/08/2003 23:54
09/08/2003 23:54
Dupuytren of the foot - what treatments available?

I too had DC at a young age. My first surgery was at age 24. So your age can not rule it out. Your heritage definitely makes me wonder if you have DC, and the fact that the lumps are stable and are not causing contracture might indicate that it is not DC. My Dr said if you are young when you get it, then it usually progresses faster. But it is certainly possible that it is DC. I think a second opinion would be a good idea.

associated   biochemistry   available   definitely   condition   stimulated   Dupuytren   populations   personally   originally   gucosamine   contracture   treatments   alternatives   complaints   conditions   understood   Dupuytrens   progresses   predisposition