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24 yo with Dupuytren
05/05/2002 23:23

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05/05/2002 23:23

not registered

24 yo with Dupuytren

I was just diagnosied with this. My doctor has caught it early. My fingers are still normal, but how long will it take or how long will it be till I have to have surgery.

05/05/2002 23:16
Gary Evans

not registered

05/05/2002 23:16
Gary Evans

not registered

24 yo with Dupuytren~sq~s

Some people (perhaps most) will never need surgery. It is for you to decide when it becomes impractical for you to live with DC. The general consensus is surgery is easiest at 40 - 60 degrees contraction. Many people go their whole life without contraction, although it is not good because of your age. Do you have nodules or "dermal pits (they look like a callus with a pit in middle)"?
Good luck,

05/05/2002 23:24

not registered

05/05/2002 23:24

not registered

24 yo with Dupuytren

Yes I have a knot right below my right ring finger in the palm of my hand. I was told that the knot was not suppose to be painful, but it hurts when it is touched.

05/05/2002 23:15
05/05/2002 23:15
Medical info on dp

I was recently diagnosed with dupuytrens. Im a male at 26, with no family history. I had surgery a week and half ago because the dr. thought it was a cyst. He said if he knew it was dups. he would not have done the surgery. Mine was a pea sized lump in my palm, with a lot of pain. I noticed the lump about 2 months ago. i guess i'll see how things go now.

05/06/2002 23:33
05/06/2002 23:33
Medical info on dp

You might be interested in having a look at http://wheeless.belgianorthoweb.be/o2/192.htm

05/06/2002 23:47
05/06/2002 23:47
Other Options for DC

The nodule in my right hand is at the base of my little finger. The tendon was pulling my finger toward the palm.
My doctor told me that I was at the stage where surgery was the normal intervention. Another physician friend told me how he performed the surgery by making incisions across the tendon at several points. He did this in his office. I had heard of a break through in therapy in the Tampa Bay area and asked my doctor about looking at that option before surgery. Yesterday I drove to Pinellas Park and had
my appointment. Today is a new day, I can place my right hand flat on a table, For the first time in years I can put my palms together and separate my finger tips.The facia in my hand is softer and more pliable. Mr. Meilus is an engineer who invented a robot that stretches the tendons and the muscles. He asked,"Why would you want to weaken the tendon?" He explained that shrinkage is what causes the contracting and the lack of pliability in the hand.The robot would press down in an area bout 1 inch in dia.. maintain pressure for about 20 seconds and then would lift for about seven seconds. This deep pressure was first placed on the tendons in my forearm and then on the facia of the hand. The treatment was for about 2 hours. I now have an instrument to continue the needed exercises.
Neiter my wife nor I can believe the change in the palm of my hand.Meilus Robotics is used for many other problems. Professional athletes are taking advantage of this therapy since it does not weaken the muscles or the tendons or the ligaments. I was told that the lump will completley disappear with regular exercise with the instument that i now have. I am very thankful that I checked this out before surgery.You can find Meilus robotics for sports on the internet. My therapy was almost painless; in fact I almost went to sleep. If you have further inquiries, I will be glad to respond. I am a retired army chaplain and became aware of my problem when I could not do pushups with my hands flat on the ground. Best Wishes

05/06/2002 23:16
Gary Evans

not registered

05/06/2002 23:16
Gary Evans

not registered

24 yo with Dupuytren~sq~s

My personal layman's opinion is that you are taking a real chance with this procedure. First, it isn't the tendon that is contracting, it is diseased tissue between the tendons and the skin.. Vibration will not get rid of this tissue and perhaps will stimulate the growth. From what I have read, I think that your problem will come back worse than before the procedure.
DC is not like a muscle that needs to be relaxed. A tightened muscle is not diseased tissue brought on by a genetic disorder.
Have any medical studies been done with this procedure? If so, let us know so we can read them. If this is as good as you say, there should be all kinds of literature about the procedure. If nothing is available it is no better than "snake oil" at this time.
Please respond.

05/07/2002 23:03

not registered

05/07/2002 23:03

not registered

A quick Response

I wrote to you detailed email that I will spare the readers.
My DC was diagnosed by two doctors. My primary physician is an internist and a nephrologist. Today, she cofirmed the healthy change in my hand. She also wrote a prescription for the treatment. Flexibility is continuing to improve and tissue in my hand is softer and more elastic. I have no ties or motives or ageements to publicise this service.
For more precise info check out the web site. It is www.meilus.com
you will notice that this service has expanded to NJ and PA.
What would motivate anyone to say "snake oil" about anything that they know nothing about.??

05/07/2002 23:52
05/07/2002 23:52
Other method

I think I write in the name of all readers, when I say : please don't spare us.
Guess any info is welcome to all. It is up to each individual to decide how he/she uses the information.
I must admit your posts are confusing me, especially since the treatment is invented (?) by an engineer. And, one that has clearly no understanding what Dupuytren's is about.
Like Gary wrote, Dupuytren's contracture is the contracture of " extra collagen tissue " . Nothing to do at all with muscle or tendon contraction ! I have been shown the tissue that was removed from my hand in surgery, and I still have all my muscles and tendons.
I had a quick look at the site of that company, but I don't see any mentioning of dp.
Please, if you have more info, make it available to the forum.

contracting   prescription   belgianorthoweb   Professional   Dupuytren   intervention   contracture   especially   information   nephrologist   tendons   procedure   surgery   Dupuytren~sq~s   impractical   appointment   Flexibility   understanding   treatment   contraction