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27 y.o. female with Dupuytren~sq~s
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04/11/2002 23:23
04/11/2002 23:23
27 y.o. female with Dupuytren~sq~s

Hello! I just came across this site and have just been diagnosed with this condition. I also have pain in my feet when I walk and think I might be getting Ledderhose too but havent noticed any nodules in my feet (*crosses her fingers*) yet. I have decided not to have surgery and will start saving my money to go to France for the needle procedure. Skin grafts and nerve damage do not sound very fun to me.

I also cannot close my fists. Does anyone else have this? I read on some website that 'muscle paralysis' can be caused by Dupuytrens and I am thinking that I am affected with this as well. Does anyone else have this? I am terribly weak and can only lift about 2 pounds with one hand. I can close my fingers but they donot touch my palm and are slowly becoming worse (now my fingers will only close to one inch of my palm). If I force the fingers to the palm, they will bend easily and without pain (as if someone else if moving them for me). At night I have tingling in my fingers and they seem to burn, but when my boyfriend touches them, he says they are cold to the touch. Weird huh? My physican told me to take Vitamin B6, but I do not know how much to take. Does anyone know of anything else that can help? Thanks!


04/11/2002 23:55
Gary Evans

not registered

04/11/2002 23:55
Gary Evans

not registered

27 y.o. female with Dupuytren~sq~s

Sounds like you might have Raynaud's also. Do you have a circulation problem in your fingers when you are in cold weather? What are the symptom's of your DC? Sounds different than most describe. Any contraction? Any nodules? Any dermal pits?
Check out website at: www.baylorhealth.com/Proceedings/14_4/14_4_flatt.pdf

This is a great website for information about DC.

04/12/2002 23:10

not registered

04/12/2002 23:10

not registered

31 year old male with dupytrens

i found out a while ago i had fibromatosis, 2 lumps im my left foot 1 in the right , both in the soles, was told they didnt like to operate, but i get (mild) aching , in the mornings now, if i work long hours, on my feet, any one had them cut out,
my dad got them in his hand a few months before i did (hes 57)
his were cut out but , his hands are still scarred, puts me off a bit,

04/22/2002 23:16

not registered

04/22/2002 23:16

not registered

Fibro in Foot - Happy Ending.

My 50 year old mail man had 2 tumors in the arch of his foot. One was the size of a bean, the other the size of a golf ball. A podiatrist gave him cortisone shots which proved useless, then fitted him with special shoes - which he outgrew. He then went to an ortho surgeon Dr. Beatty in Edwardsville ILL. who suggested surgery. To my surprise, it was very sucessfull. He was off work for 3 1/2 weeks, and is now back walking his route EVERYDAY - ALL DAY! Said if it wasn't for all the time on his feet at his job, he could have gone back to work within 2 weeks.

04/24/2002 23:57
jim h

not registered

04/24/2002 23:57
jim h

not registered


Stay in touch with the mailman if possible. The big question is - will it recurr? My impression is that usually it does.

05/02/2002 23:46
Bill K

not registered

05/02/2002 23:46
Bill K

not registered


Had Surgery on both hands, first the left than a year later the right. Both have recurred.

05/02/2002 23:54
Gary Evans

not registered

05/02/2002 23:54
Gary Evans

not registered

Follow-up - ATTN: Gary

What type of surgery?

06/03/2002 23:02
Gary Evans

not registered

06/03/2002 23:02
Gary Evans

not registered

27 y.o. female

Make sure you have a Dr. very familiar with Dupuytren's. The problem is that Dupuytren's can manifest in several ways. Sometimes it seems as though there are different variations of DC.
With the contraction I had, I could close my fist but could not open all the way. No pain at all. Didn't have pain in my feet except when I stretched them too much. Nodules in my arch are just about gone now and still no pain. I realize this could change at any time.
Wish I could help more. The frustrating part of DC is that it is different for many people and remedies do not fit everyone.
Good luck, let us know what Dr. says on June 10th.

06/12/2002 23:34
06/12/2002 23:34
Update to Drs Appointment

Well, I saw an orthopedist and he is going to do a EMG on the 26th on my hands to test for nerve dammage since I have very little strength and cant close my fist. They think I might have carpel tunnel syndrome on top of the dupuytrens. Oh joy! :( I guess I'll just hang in here for the next 2 weeks and see what they say. I did get a copy of my lab results, which came back all normal except for my EOS, which was elevated slightly. I dont know what that means or if its related to any of this. Anyway, thats all I know right now. Have a good one!


06/12/2002 23:11
06/12/2002 23:11
UPDATE: Nerve Test Done Today

Keep us posted on how things go for ya. I really feel for you! Its quit the disease. Im only 26 and have it in my right palm, nowhere else so far. Was just diagnosed with this thing a few months ago. Had surgery because they thought is was something else.
Hang in there- I'll say some prayers for you!

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