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27 y.o. female with Dupuytren~sq~s
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06/25/2002 23:13
06/25/2002 23:13
UPDATE: Nerve Test Done Today

Well, I had an EMG today (nerve test) on my hands and was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands on top of having Dupuytrens (in both as well)!!! Grrr.....

Turns out the CTS is whats making my hands weak so Im unable to make a fist. All my nerves are affected in some degree except for my left hand pinkie. Go figure! Its also accounting for alot of pain, although I think Dupuytrens does have its "pain and inflammation" period in the beginning. And I dont care what doctors say... I know when I hurt!

I havent found out anything about my feet. I see my primary orthopedist tomorrow morning and Im going to ask him about that. Will update again tomorrow.


06/25/2002 23:58
Gary Evans

not registered

06/25/2002 23:58
Gary Evans

not registered

27 y.o.female

Have a very good friend who had DC and CTS in hands. He had operation by a very good surgeon (who does just hands) and after about 4 months, hands are normal. He even went back to work the next day after surgery, although he admits that it was too soon.
Good luck, keep us informed.

06/25/2002 23:35
06/25/2002 23:35

Your right DC can be painful. I have it on my palm, and it hurt from the very beginning. They did surgury on my hand and thought it was something else, but turned out to be DC. They said dc generally doesnt hurt-well mine sure did!
Have had two cortsone shots and they have helped. Anyway, hang in there and good luck!

06/26/2002 23:26

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06/26/2002 23:26

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I feel for you all as I am a 38 yr old female who 2 yrs ago had CTS (both hands had surgery), adhesions in shoulder (surgery), and DC. Now I also have trigger finger. Several doctors told me there is no pain with DC. But, I now know better, 2 yrs later.

I recently had cortisone injections in both hands (after taking medication a neurologist prescribed for over a year that helped very little) and it, so far has been effective for the pain (a couple of months). I also have had Type I Diabetes for 34 years. Most all of the doctors I've seen contribute everything I've experienced as being related to Diabetes. Yeah, right.....I find more useful information on the net that in the doctors office most of the time.

Just one month ago I underwent another much more extensive surgery in the same shoulder and had more adhesions, rotator cuff tear, bone shaved, and another muscle repaired. It made me wonder why this is continually getting worse (shoulder) so I started researching the net...

Just for FYI of what I've found out: the company that makes the collagenase injection product for the DC study going on in the USA is also going to do a study for using the product for the shoulder! The enzyme that is supposed to break down the collagen for the hands is responsible for not breaking it down in my shoulder therefore, adhesion buildup again 2 yrs later and a much worse surgery and recovery.

I am now a firm believer that there can be much more associated health issues related with DC that what I have been told from some of the doctors I've seen. It's frustrating and tedious (not to mention money) figuring out why one has different symptoms than another but, are diagnosed the same.

Hang in there everyone. The needle aponovrotomy is on it's way in the US. I have seen a few people from the US post pictures of their hands after going to France and having it done and it is really amazing results. I am pushing to get involved in the Phase III trials getting underway for it which started in Stoneybrook, NY.

04/30/2004 23:54
04/30/2004 23:54
my daughter

meg, my 12 year old daughter was diagnosed with dupuytren's last week. i too am learning a lot about the disease and like someone on this forum has told me, you constantly learn that there is more to learn. did you have problems with your hands earlier? i live in austin and would, will probably be looking for 3.2 million opinions. of the people you have spoken to did what percentage said no surgery for what they thought was dupuytren's? thanks for your time and i hope the best for you. be safe mark hair

07/28/2004 23:05
terry henman

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07/28/2004 23:05
terry henman

not registered


I've been diagnosed with this - little finger of left hand. My local (UK) hand surgeon wants to chop it out, but I've read of some USA work (ca 2002)in which chemical methods are used, I believe it was clostridial collagenase. Is anyone aware of a UK hospital that has used this technique? It seems very sensible to me to use a chemical method to deal with a problem whose formation must have involved chemistry, so I'd be grateful for any views.
Regards, T J Henman

07/28/2004 23:33

not registered

07/28/2004 23:33

not registered

Treatment in the UK

As far as I know the only treatment being offered anywhere in the UK is surgery. I have asked the NHS about the alternatives and drawn a blank. Fortunately I discovered sites like this and have decided to have Needle Aponevrotomy. I now have an appointment booked for October in Paris.

02/20/2005 23:05
john rios

not registered

02/20/2005 23:05
john rios

not registered

bone spurs

is there any lazer surgery to remove a bone spur other thansurgery

07/06/2006 23:20

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07/06/2006 23:20

not registered

lumps on arch of feet and on right arm

I first noticed a lump that appeared at the upper area of my right shoulder, it has changed a little, but the latest is both of my arches of my feet have round red lumps. The left has two and the right has one large one. I do not have health insurance so I have not had it looked at but I also notice that the bottom of my feet get hot and feel clammy. Do anyone have any suggestions or answers to what this may be. Help!

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aponovrotomy   shoulder   collagenase   surgery   orthopedist   Dupuytren~sq~s   Dupuytrens   contraction   alternatives   fibromatosis   Edwardsville   Aponevrotomy   inflammation   DUPYTREN~sq~S   Dupuytren   Appointment   frustrating   different   diagnosed   baylorhealth