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7 year old diagnosed with Dupuytren~sq~s
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11/21/2000 23:31
Denise Klein

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11/21/2000 23:31
Denise Klein

not registered

7 year old diagnosed with Dupuytren~sq~s

I just today was diagnosed with Dupuytren's. I am not 7 years old, but I am 31; which my doctor said it extremely rare. Yes, normally found in ages 40-80 years old. I am extremely confused as well. Supposedly, it is heredetary. Does your son have any of the following: Diabetes, Epilepsy. I don't, but they say it can be associated with that. What are they having you and your son do?

11/27/2000 23:29

not registered

11/27/2000 23:29

not registered

Our child was 7 too

He does not have Diabetes. I did have him tested recently because it runs in the family. As far as I know Dupuytrens does not run in my family. All of this is very odd. His doctor said that because it manifested so early it might not show up again until later in life. As they are not sure as to what stimulates the disease it could be due to hormonal changes between 7-8 yrs. I guess I will just have to wait this one out. He has recovered nicely from his surgery. The healing powers of the young.His doctor showed me some tests to do with his hands a couple times a month to watch for new developments. I believe that he has plans to do a case study, probably long term or sometihing. Thank you for replying!

12/06/2000 23:19
12/06/2000 23:19
Our child was 7 too

Hi there! Our daughter had surgery two years ago (when she was 7)to remove a rapidly growing lump on her pinky finger. After two biopsies, it was diagnosed as Dupuytren's. Both her fraternal grandfather and his sister have Dupuytren's. Most of the "lump" was removed at the time, but the little bit that remained is now growing again. She has trouble straightening this finger, it hurts on occasion, and it really bothers her when it is cold. What types of tests did your doctor suggest you do to determine it's progression? Where did it evidence itself in your son's case? Was it just a finger or the whole hand? Were the feet involved? We are currently deciding how to proceed with this most recent tissue growth. Please let me know what you think.

01/08/2001 23:25
Vicki Taute

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01/08/2001 23:25
Vicki Taute

not registered

Dupuytren~sq~s at 2 yrs. old

Actually, I guess technically it wasn't dupuytren's but plantarfibromatosis (Lederhose's disease) otherwise thought of as Dupuytren's of the foot. I am 54 yrs old, and have dealt with this since I was 2 yrs. old. Several surgeries later and need surgery again. I also have it in my hand, have had it operated on 3 times and next step is amputation of my little finger.
In my family it is definitely inheirited. Both of my brothers have it (hand and the foot), and my father had it in his hand.
Get your son the best Dr. in the area for treatment. It may not keep the disease from returning, but at least you'll know that his problems won't be due to bad surgical procedures.

12/23/2003 23:49
JC Miles

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12/23/2003 23:49
JC Miles

not registered


I personally was diagnosed with the foot version in my early 20s was operated on then and have since had it regrow in that foot and appear in other like running around with a rock in my shoe all the time.No rush to get it fixed yet as I also have it in my left hand and am preparing for second surgery there.Im only 35 my father who also has it in his hand showed no signs until mid 50s so I also was quite young in the doctors mind.I'm hoping they find an alternative procedure as mine has grown quite agressively and the doctors arent keen on multiple surgeries due to scarring.Anyone seen anything interesting in that regard?

12/23/2003 23:52
12/23/2003 23:52

What is the degree of contracture in your fingers? Which finger(s) is involved? Both hands or just one? What was length of time between diagnosis and contracture?

12/25/2003 23:57

not registered

12/25/2003 23:57

not registered


My husband had this non-surgical procedure done in Switzerland and it worked beautifully. His hand are now flat. :-) It is my understanding that it is now available in the US and Canada. Get yourself an opinion from one of the people who do it.

There is all sorts of info on this website as to how to get a hold of someone that can do the job.

Good luck.

12/25/2003 23:58

not registered

12/25/2003 23:58

not registered

It~sq~s called...

Needle Aponevrotomy or NA ...and you will find lots of posts about it on this and other forums. Good luck

01/12/2004 23:38
Barry McCleland

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01/12/2004 23:38
Barry McCleland

not registered

Dupuytren Contractures of hands

I've been reading articles from various people with similar problems. However it appears that many people are having their problems addressed by regular Physicians. Be very CAUTIOUS! I learnt the hard way as well. Only after my failed surgery did I find out from other friends of mine that they too had also had failed operations from regular Physicians claiming to be experienced. I am from South Africa and I had to travel 500 miles to Cape Town to have the failed operation corrected by a Physician who specializes only in hands. And he has subsequently also operated on the other hand with success as well. So what I'm really trying to say is that you have to establish beyound any doubt who is specializing in this disease, as many inexperienced guys will try their luck on you. You too might have to travel to another city to find the best.

07/04/2004 23:52

not registered

07/04/2004 23:52

not registered

Early Dupuytren~sq~s

I'd appreciate any suggestions from someone who has had this diagnosed early as to what is helpful and not as invasive as surgery. My brother, 6 years older, has a very strong dose of this and has had 3 surgeries to correct. I have not yet been to get it officially diagnosed, but am fairly sure this is what I have as it is so strong in my family. I am in my mid-50's and play piano, tennis, etc. I'd like to continue to be able to use my hands, but know how debilitating this can become. Also, how did you choose your physician for treatment?Thanks for any advice!

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developments   Recommendation   Dupuytren~sq~s   practitioner   diagnosed   information   understanding   straightening   Contractures   Aponevrotomy   non-surgical   specializing   procedure   contracture   plantarfibromatosis   surgery   Aproneurotomy   inexperienced   Dupuytren   surgeries