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7 year old diagnosed with Dupuytren~sq~s
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07/04/2004 23:19

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07/04/2004 23:19

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Your alternitive is the NA (needle treatment) by Dr. Eaton in Florida. www.handcenter.org. It is a better method than having the surgeries, and scar tissue, and skin grafts, and months of recovery. I have an appointment with my hand surgeon tomorrow, and, I am armed with copies of things I have taken off of Dr. Eaton's sight. I am going to show him all of this, and tell him, I will not have him slice me up. And, I am going to ask him , why the rest of them have not found it neccessary to learn this proceedure. With a young child, it is most important , as each surgery only, usually lasts, a few years, and you are back yet again for another one. Hence, the skin grafts, and other things. With the NA, you may also have to go back, but, you have not been butchered. You won't have all of that damage. That is a very young age, to be diagnosed. Don't do anything, without ALOT OF RESURCH.... This Forum can give you that information that you need. Good Luck

07/05/2004 23:41

not registered

07/05/2004 23:41

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NA for DD/DC


Observation and research indicates that the Needle Aproneurotomy for Dupuytren's is the best way to go. The procedure has advantages over surgery: You don't get a butchered hand, recovery time in almost immediate, you don't have that long period of therapy afterwards, very little pain involved and the procedure can be performed over and over should recurance happen. one or two additional surgeries is it. Recommendation: Go for the NA procedure.

Should you decide on NA you can go to Dr. William Bourland, Memphis, Tennessee, Dr. Charles Eaton, Jupiter, Florida or to Europe (primarily France, Paris). If more information is desired please post.

07/05/2004 23:50

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07/05/2004 23:50

not registered

Dr. William Bourland

Dr. Eaton is the only NA trained practitioner in the US. His website www.handcenter.org has a vast amount of information.


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Dupuytren~sq~s   procedure   Dupuytren   diagnosed   inexperienced   contracture   straightening   information   surgeries   specializing   plantarfibromatosis   surgery   Aproneurotomy   Aponevrotomy   Recommendation   non-surgical   practitioner   developments   understanding   Contractures