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age 31 recently diagnosed-quick question
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07/20/1999 23:19
dan robins jr

not registered

07/20/1999 23:19
dan robins jr

not registered

age 31 recently diagnosed-quick question

i was just diagnosed this morning...i am diabetic and russian decent. how fast does the disease progress? i have 2 nodes on my palm and one in the middle of my middle finger....any responses are appreciated....please email me any insight you may have....thank you!!!!!

10/18/1999 23:04

not registered

10/18/1999 23:04

not registered

Recently diagnosed, exploring for therapy options

I am a 52 yr old female, recenlty diagnosed by my internist who basically said "There is nothing we can do". I find this difficult to accept and am exploring treatment options. Is surgery and/or therapy effective. How fast does the condition progress, or is this (as I suspect) variable.
Thanks for any help or suggestions.

06/13/2000 23:47
D Beason

not registered

06/13/2000 23:47
D Beason

not registered

Non-Surgical Cure ?

Hope you can help!

I’m new to the Dupuytren's Forum, but not to Dupuytren's that showed up about 10 years ago. Had surgery on my left hand 2 years ago but Dupuytren's is now back in the L hand worse than ever. So I know from experience surgery is only a stopgap.

I know about the French Needle so I am very interested in info about non-surgical cures. Question:

1) Are there any legit non-surgical cures? Who and where?
2) Is the SUNY Stony Brook cure near going public? Any info on the status?
3) Are there any doctors (or anyone else) doing injections? Who and where?

Please help with any info you have. I don’t want any more surgery!


11/09/2003 23:25
D Beason

not registered

11/09/2003 23:25
D Beason

not registered

Dupuytren~sq~s Disease

I just learned that gay men get Dupuytren's Disease more often that straight men. Why? I can not believe that anal sex has anything to do with Dupuytren's Disease. Help! I can not change my sexual orientation.

11/09/2003 23:20
Randy H.

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11/09/2003 23:20
Randy H.

not registered

To D Beason

Sorry, to me the idea that gays could be more prone to Dups that straights is like saying Democrats are more prone than Republicans. Makes no sense.

Sorry to hear that such a young guy has been diagnosed. Until you can't lay you hand flat on a table, there is no need for a corrective procedure. If you get to that point, don't rush into surgery. Study this sight for less invasive procedures.

11/10/2003 23:29

not registered

11/10/2003 23:29

not registered

To D Beason

Dear D, Wherever did you learn that gays are more prone to Dupuytrens? What rubbish! Don't give it another thought. I am not a physician and not as well read on the subject as many on this forum, but NO ONE has ever suggested that. I truly believe it is heritage. I am having NA in Paris next January and as soon as I get back I will report here what happened. I'll also run the theory you heard by him but am sure his answer will be same as mine. So - cheer up, there are a lot worse things than this stupid disease.

11/10/2003 23:32

not registered

11/10/2003 23:32

not registered

D Beason

On second thought, I sure hope you were sincere in your message, D. The theory about gays getting Dupuytren's more often than straights is just too ridiculous. Where did you learn that?

11/11/2003 23:23

not registered

11/11/2003 23:23

not registered


The only corrolation between D/C and GAYS is that both can be a pain in the behind.

Sorry about that. Couldn't resist.

11/12/2003 23:56

not registered

11/12/2003 23:56

not registered


tee, hee

11/12/2003 23:24
dan robins jr

not registered

11/12/2003 23:24
dan robins jr

not registered

Gays and Dupuytren

I am gay and I don't know any other gay men who have Dupuytren's Disease. I have never heard of gay men getting Dupuytren's Disease more than straight men. And please....no gay bashing.

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