Antiepileptic drugs and Dupuytren~sq~s contracture. |
02/19/2001 23:47
Dean Newberynot registered
02/19/2001 23:47
Dean Newberynot registered
Antiepileptic drugs and Dupuytren~sq~s contracture.
I am a 64 year old male who has been taking Mysoline to control epilepsy for over 40 years. About 5 years ago I developed Dupuytrens in both hands and subsequently had plastic surgery to correct this problem. The surgery was 90+% successful. However, I recently went to my GP to see about having skin cancer removed from between my nose and cheek. The need for a plastic surgeon was discussed and I mentioned to this new doctor (my previous GP who knew my background had retired) that I had had surgery for DC. He looked up a Database for Product Information on Mysoline and found that there was "proven" link between Mysoline and DC. I subsequently was given a paper by a Dr G.F.Falasca in USA in which he makes the link between DC and drugs which contain or metabolise into phenobarbitone. Mysoline is one of those drugs. I saw the plastic surgeon about my skin cancer and also told him what I had been read about Mysoline and DC. He would not accept this and said that the problem (DC) was caused by epilepsy, not the medication. Is there any one out there who has had similar experiences? I find it hard to believe that I am stuck with this forever, just because I need medication for epilepsy. My next step is to see a neurologist and discuss alternative medication. This was posted on February 20 20001. I hope that someone else may be able to throw some light on my predicament. If you do have DC and are not an epileptic I would be pleased to hear from you, similarly I would like to hear from anyone else in the same position and what medication you are taking and for how long?
05/20/2001 23:42
David C.not registered
05/20/2001 23:42
David C.not registered
Epilepsy and drugs
There is a link between DC and anti siesure drugs used to treat epilepsy. It's been know for quite some time and accepted that frozen shoulder, a build up of collagen in the shoulder joint, can be caused by those same drugs. There are many papers on the subject. Don't rely on one doctors opinon, he and or they are not God(s). Research the literature and make your own conclusions.
05/28/2001 23:00
Deannanot registered
05/28/2001 23:00
Deannanot registered
Antiepileptic drugs and Duputren~sq~s.
I found out this afternoon that I have DC. I have been taking Mysoline for 2 years and have severe epelepsy. I also take Zonegran and have a Vegas Nerve Stimulator. It was interesting to read David's post about frozen shoulder's being linked to anti epileptic drugs as I have experienced a frozen shoulder (quite painful) and my orthopedic never mentioned it being related at all to my epilepsy drugs..I would be interested in knowing where to find information on the subject as I still am having trouble with that shoulder. If you can change to another med besides the there a chance the DC will diminish?.. I've been through about every med available.
10/08/2005 23:38
leonardonot registered
10/08/2005 23:38
leonardonot registered
Salve ho 37 anni assumo antiepilettici fenitoina+fenobarbitale dall'età di 11 da più di 20 anni sono affetto dal male di dupuytren (8 cisti sulle nocche delle dita entrambe le piante dei piedi interessati oltre al palmo della mano dx + 5 interventi chirurgici) chiedevo se la terapia petrebbe essere la causa, in due visite recenti sia un neurichirurgo che un chirurgo della mano hanno negato grazie