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Treating Dupuytren's with Acupuncture
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02/08/2005 23:10

not registered

02/08/2005 23:10

not registered

dupuytren~sq~s contracture

I am currently being treated with acupuncture for Dupuytren's Contracture and have gotten the full mobility of my fingers back. My practioner uses electro-acupuncture on the contracture. The MD is bewildered as to why it is better and refuses to believe acupuncture could make the difference.

12/01/2005 23:49
Phil Fryer

not registered

12/01/2005 23:49
Phil Fryer

not registered

acupuncture and dupuytren`s

After 30 plus acupuncture treatments -twice weekly-the dupuytren`s that affected my little finger- left hand, has regressed to the point that my local hand surgeon said there is no longer enough dups to justify an operation.I`m a 54 year old profesional musician who decided to avoid the surgery route and go for alternative treatment.I was diagnosed april 05-so it`s taken 7 months of treatment to reach this stage.I reccomenf acupunture to those who are patient,commited and have enough money to pay-£32 a session in the UK.

Best of Luck

12/01/2005 23:06
Randy H.

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12/01/2005 23:06
Randy H.

not registered



What joints are effected. What was the degree of contraction before and after treatment? It is very uncommon to hear reports of regression of contraction.

12/04/2005 23:16

not registered

12/04/2005 23:16

not registered


Hi Randy-
the first joint of my little finger was contracting with the characteristic little hole and the build up of fibrous tissue.The dupuytren`s was spread right over my hand to below the first finger.The hand surgeon recommended an early operation 4 months ago-I declined because my acupuncturist was confident in treatment -having treated 3 previous patients succesfully.2 weeks ago the surgeon discharged me -saying not enough dupuytren`s left to justify an opeation.I know this is unusual because the surgeon assured me dupuytren`s never regresses.He`s now changed his mind.

05/24/2006 23:59
Steve Bopp

not registered

05/24/2006 23:59
Steve Bopp

not registered


Hello again fellow dups aflictees. This from the UK Mirror...

FLAUTIST Phil Fryer developed Dupuytren's contracture, a genetic condition which tightens tissues in your palm. The hand can be left completely deformed.

Doctors said surgery was his only option, but it would mean a three month recovery period and the condition would probably return. Fearing for his career, Phil, 54, from Oxford, turned to acupuncture at London's Hale Clinic.

"It's so effective doctors say there is now no sign of the condition," he says.

WHAT IS IT? An ancient Chinese medicine based on the flow of energy through 12 channels in the body, called meridians. If this flow is interrupted, it can cause ill health. Inserting needles is supposed restore the flow of energy.

WHAT IT TREATS: Pain, osteoarthritis, infertility, morning sickness, depression, asthma, rheumatism and skin conditions. It's also popular with those who want to quit smoking.

THE EVIDENCE: Critics say the effects are all in the mind. But a British brain-scan experiment last year found acupuncture stimulated areas involved in pain control.

British Acupuncture Council: www.acupuncture.org.uk or 020 8735 0400.


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