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DC and frozen shoulders
08/24/2005 23:42
08/24/2005 23:42
DC and frozen shoulders

I (43 yrs, female) have both DC and restricted movement in shoulders, which I’ve been told is frozen shoulder. The DC came first about 8 years ago and I’ve had the shoulder pain for about 2 yrs. I had no idea that they could be connected. Can anyone throw any light on this?

08/24/2005 23:51
08/24/2005 23:51
Frozen Shoulder

There is quite a bit of discussion about the connection between FS & DC in threads elsewhere on this forum. Suggest you search through to find those.

It appears there is a link between the two, at least in terms of cause. However, IMO the two are quite different in terms of their treat-ability. This forum is useful in discussing the options for treatment of DC, but for more info on FS, suggest you try www.frozenshoulder.com.

I have both DC, Ledderhose's disease (in the foot)and have had FS. FS is treatable and if treated, in time will at least dissipate if not completely recover. As for DC & LD - ????????

Good Luck

10/29/2005 23:52
Gene Braden

not registered

10/29/2005 23:52
Gene Braden

not registered

shoulder pain!

How do I know if this is the disease that I have? The doctors have checked everything and I stil have severe pain in between my shoulders next to the spine but seems to be under the shoulder blade. The doctors tell me that I have to live with it and I can't except that. There is a reason why there is pain. The pain is comming from something. I have had two neck surgeries and I really did not know about this pain until after the second surgery. The doctor said it was fantom pain. My ass it was fantom pain. With or without meds the pain is there. It hurts when I cough, turn in bed, twist, or really any magor movement. Please give me some feed back.
P.S. I have had nerves burned, traction, pain meds of every kind, neck surgery, facet joint injections, acupuncture, shrink therapy, numbing shots, I use a tens unit.


10/29/2005 23:09

not registered

10/29/2005 23:09

not registered

A shot in the Dark

Hi Gene,

Sorry I can't help you out other then to tell you to read up on Frozen Shoulder then talk to your doctor if you think it fits.

I'll keep you in my prayers,


10/29/2005 23:30
Randy H.

not registered

10/29/2005 23:30
Randy H.

not registered

A shot in the Dark


The aria of your pain is common for Fibromyalgia, for which there *is* now a cure. If your pain is constant and doesn't come and go, then it's *not* Fibro. Also, with Fibro, your pain would normally be in other arias as well.

10/30/2005 23:37

not registered

10/30/2005 23:37

not registered

Going Off Topic (sorry)

Hi Randy,

There's a cure for fibromtalgia???? Please elaborate



10/30/2005 23:43
Randy H.

not registered

10/30/2005 23:43
Randy H.

not registered

Going Off Topic (sorry)

<<To All: forgive my indulgence, but a proper reply to Francis will take us way off topic. It's worth it.>>>


Over 30 years ago, an assistant professor of Endocrinology at UCLA theorized that Fibro and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome were different manifestation of the same disease. His treatment is not a true "cure", but it might as well be. He has discovered how to reverse the disease and keep it in remission indefinitely.

A scientific study of his theory and treatment was done in 1995. Known as the "Oregon Study", it *failed* to show statistical significance. The medical community therefore lost interest, otherwise you would have heard about it, believe me.

Now at 75, Dr. Paul St. Amand continues to treat patients, hoping to get another shot at better designed double blind study. Meanwhile I'm in remission for CFS. I can now swim about 4 miles a week without triggering the massive fatigue I suffered for a few years. Before that I couldn't even wash my car!

Here you go:


10/30/2005 23:30
jim h

not registered

10/30/2005 23:30
jim h

not registered


Gene, I've had FS and I have DC. If you don't have restricted range of motion then it's not FS.

11/02/2005 23:38

not registered

11/02/2005 23:38

not registered


Sorry this is off topic folks.

Thanks for web link on fibromyalgia Randy; interesting in-deedy. My friend is on disability because of FM and it's sad to watch her try to walk. I don't know if she would be able to take this stuff as she's had a brain aneurism, strokes, and lots of other health issues but I'll print it and pass it along.

Thanks again,


06/06/2006 23:35

not registered

06/06/2006 23:35

not registered


my left leg is longer than my right

restricted   interesting   connection   shoulder   acupuncture   between   elaborate   completely   injections   Fibromyalgia   different   frozenshoulder   Ledderhose   discussion   discussing   fibromtalgia   shoulders   everything   treat-ability   disability