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Dupuytren's, Diabetes and Adhesive Capsulitis
03/04/2000 23:24
Debra Tydd

not registered

03/04/2000 23:24
Debra Tydd

not registered

Dupuytren's, Diabetes and Adhesive Capsulitis

sorry -- small correction --

My adhesive capsulitis was active from Fall 1997 through Spring 1999 (not 1987).

Debra T.

03/06/2000 23:26
Kelly Green

not registered

03/06/2000 23:26
Kelly Green

not registered

Dupuytren's & Adhesive Capsulitis

I have had surgery on both shoulders for Adhesive Capsulitis and "frayed" rotator cuffs. Today I was diagnosed with Dupuytren's Disease. I have a bump in the palm of my right hand below my middle finger. Doesn't hurt much. It's just unsightly and annoying. My doctor told me that at this point, there is nothing to do. If my finger starts to be pulled in then he can perform surgery, but chances are it will come back. It seems to me that there might be a connection between these two conditions as they both affect connective tissues. Any doctors out there who might have noticed the similarities ? I am female, have no Northern European ancestors, and only drink a glass of wine maybe once a month.

06/13/2000 23:07
D Beason

not registered

06/13/2000 23:07
D Beason

not registered

Non-Surgical Cure ?

Hope you can help!

I’m new to the Dupuytren's Forum, but not to Dupuytren's that showed up about 10 years ago. Had surgery on my left hand 2 years ago but Dupuytren's is now back in the L hand worse than ever. So I know from experience surgery is only a stopgap.

I know about the French Needle so I am very interested in info about non-surgical cures. Question:

1) Are there any legit non-surgical cures? Who and where?
2) Is the SUNY Stony Brook cure near going public? Any info on the status?
3) Are there any doctors (or anyone else) doing injections? Who and where?

Please help with any info you have. I don’t want any more surgery!

Thanks Very Much!

09/20/2000 23:35
Roger Winsby

not registered

09/20/2000 23:35
Roger Winsby

not registered


My wife is type 1 since 1964. She has had bilateral adhesive capsulitis and has dupuytrens + trigger finger.

07/28/2003 23:11

not registered

07/28/2003 23:11

not registered

DC and Frozen Shoulder Syndrome

I have recently been diagnosed with DC.

I am a 47 year old female and have had a right frozen shoulder for 1 year. As if that wasn't enough I now have DC in my right hand. I consume very little alcohol. No diabetes, or thyroid problems. However, I did take very large quantities of Vit C at the start of the frozen shoulder problems as I read that it could halt the disease. I had gall bladder surgery for cholecystitis due to cholesterol.

I type and rode horses (before my frozen shoulders). My doctor didn't think there was a link with DC and Adhesive Capsulitis.

Thanks for the forum.


02/16/2006 23:46
Webmaster Imodium

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02/16/2006 23:46
Webmaster Imodium

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interested   Diarrhoea   similarities   treatment   conditions   connection   cholecystitis   Dupuytren   experience   connective   dupuytrens   Shoulder   cholesterol   Capsulitis   Adhesive   Non-Surgical   diagnosed   information   surgery   injections