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Dupuytren~sq~s link to Viking ancestry
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09/11/2003 23:18

not registered

09/11/2003 23:18

not registered

Celtics too & Plantar Fibroma

Apparently people with a Celtic ancestory are also more prone to have Dupuytrens. My father had it and so do I.
(Both parents were Scots-Irish)

With me, D/D is present in both hands (had left hand palm surgery) and both feet (two surgeries on one foot and one surgery on the other for Plantar Fibromas.

Coincidently, Dupuytrends became active in me while working adjacent to a major air port and since leaving that job, the growths are still in various places on my hands and feet - but are no longer active.

10/09/2003 23:39
Frank Kean

not registered

10/09/2003 23:39
Frank Kean

not registered

Celtic trigger finger?

If DC has a viking connection - I wonder if trigger finger (THUMB in my case) is also related.
By the way - try surgery only as a last resort. My experience was bad.

10/09/2003 23:39
10/09/2003 23:39

What type of surgery did you have? What is your age? What was the degree of contracture? Did it involve the knuckles? Do you blame your surgeon for your problem with surgery? What type of physical therapy did you have? Why do you think that it was the procedure that was the problem?

10/09/2003 23:28

not registered

10/09/2003 23:28

not registered


Frank, Sean never answers questions regarding his reputed medical sources he so often references. Bear that in mind when considering his many questions.

You've committed the sin, I believe in his eyes, of not keeping your mouth shut regarding a negative experience with surgery.

10/09/2003 23:13

not registered

10/09/2003 23:13

not registered


Tom; I'll drink to that statement!

10/09/2003 23:12
jim h

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10/09/2003 23:12
jim h

not registered

Sean cross examination

Frank, I'm interested in hearing about your surgery too.

10/09/2003 23:02

not registered

10/09/2003 23:02

not registered

Sean cross examination

Are you a Dr.? A surgeon? Do you specialize in Plastics or
Ortho? Or maybe a PA, a medical insurance lobbyist? Are
you hostile because you have a positive "diathesis"? Do
puppies growl and kittens hiss at you? Do small children
run and cry?

03/31/2004 23:09

not registered

03/31/2004 23:09

not registered


I am recently developed a nodule in my left had which is sore at some times. It is beginning to bother me while driving. I have heard that surgery should be a last resort. My mother had the same thing in both hands and had successful surgery, but she is no longer living to confide in. I have a large number of relatives from Scotland. I would like to hear from someone who has had the surgery.

04/01/2004 23:02

not registered

04/01/2004 23:02

not registered


We have to keep in mind that the Vikings did some big traveling. They were all over the place. They have even found evidence of them being in Minnesota.

04/02/2004 23:39
04/02/2004 23:39

I have a left hand pinke that's been very gradually
(7 yrs) pulling in towards the palm. It first appeared
as a thickening of the skin on the second knuckle
(from the nail), then gradually streched to cover
the outer length of the pinkie.

Probably over the last year, I have noticed it growing
into the palm. No pains to speak of, though.

The closest I have come to the Vikings was a 1993 trip to
Sweden! I was born and raised in Tehran, Iran :) The
few people I have met with similar symptoms of DC
do not seem to recognize any Viking blood in their

I am still researching (mainly the web) to learn more
about DC. Other than *References* to "Viking Origin"
I have not come across any studies (with data) to
establish the link. I wonder if there are any such
studies, and whether it matters at all, anyway.

What I am interested to find more are local individuals
(doctors and patients) to network. In Mountain View,
CA, I am very close to Stanford. So if anyone could tip
me into resources, I'd appreciate it.

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