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Dupuytren~sq~s link to Viking ancestry
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02/15/2005 23:47

not registered

02/15/2005 23:47

not registered

Keep reading this forum

There is a lot of good info on this forum. Keep reading and studying DD. Visit Dr. Eaton's website. It is also very informative. Good Luck to you.

06/12/2005 23:52
Dean Wright

not registered

06/12/2005 23:52
Dean Wright

not registered

Dupytrens contracture

I am a 53 year old male who has recently developed the above. My father also had this and also his own father. My family on my fathers side originate from Buckinghamshire and were farmers going back generations. I was watching the discovery channel yesterday about the possible link between this condition and Viking ancestry.

I find the whole subject fascinating and would be more that willing to participate in a DNA test to see if my ancestors were in fact Vikings.

My work telephone number is 0121 452 3150 and mobile 07821027216.

06/12/2005 23:57
Steve Abams

not registered

06/12/2005 23:57
Steve Abams

not registered

Viking Ancestry

Who knows? I'm a 61 year-old Jewish guy with Dupuytren's. Perhaps there is a Viking in my geneology, but I doubt it.


06/18/2005 23:14
06/18/2005 23:14
Viking Ancestry

I'm Jewish originally from Europe- female age 70
born in Italy but have ancestry that goes back to Spain & Germany-

NO VIKING ancestry 9 that I KNOW of !)

My brother had this ( he is deceased) but my sister does not.
Neither parents had DC.

So much for the Viking theory but holds true for the Spanish ancestry theory- All quite fascinating

I hope somebody makes sense out of this someday but REALLY what's important here is NOT how we all GOT IT
but rather how do we all GET RID OF IT !!!!!

I've had NA by Dr Eaton on both hands and left hand twice.

I can see I'm going to head backl again.

My DC seems to be advancing rapidly on my hands; on my feet tho it has been going away!

NO IDEA why-

Had rather LARGE lumps under both feet and now they are both very tiny.

Anyone have ideas about this?

Good luck to us all. I loe this forum and have learned a lot and made many friends also.Thaks everyone for being so generous with your time and support and most of all THANKS TO DR EATON !!!!

06/18/2005 23:47
Michael L.

not registered

06/18/2005 23:47
Michael L.

not registered

Vikings, Schmikings

Actually, the 'Viking Theory' for Dup's origins was originally just a speculation thrown out by some doctor, but it's come to be accepted almost as a truism. But there was Dup's in Europe long before there were Vikings. A more plausible case can be made for the 'Celtic Theory', but the Celts were really just a language group, not a people with a common ancestry. It's not even completely sure that NW Europeans get it more than Eastern Europeans. One study seemed to show that Bosnian Christians (but, interestingly enough, not the Muslims) have about the same rate of occurence as NW Europeans.

But Miriam is right, these points are interesting rather than important. - MML

06/20/2005 23:18
06/20/2005 23:18
On hands and feet

Miriam, both you and Sean have reported an improvement in the feet but worsening in the hands. That is very interesting! Some (on the other forum) have also reported an improvement in Peyronie's. But is there anyone out there (apart from one or two who were formerly using glucosamine) who can report an improvement in the hands? That would be a very encouraging thing if so.

06/20/2005 23:12
06/20/2005 23:12

My hands have totally stabilized or improved along with my feet. I attribute this to changing the stress level of both hands and feet. For hands I make sure of using gloves when necessary for working, recreation etc. to relieve point stress on affected areas. For feet it is all about shoes and not being barefoot. And then again, it just might be a Dupuytren's dormant period. Since the surgery (3 1/2 years ago) on my hand, I have had no increase in Dupuytren's activity. The nodules have decreased in the other hand, but I attribute that to less strenuous activity.

08/02/2005 23:33
08/02/2005 23:33

My Danish grandparents may have passed DC along to me, but I'm apparently the only one in the family who has it; not to cousins, siblings, aunts. Surprising. I have had DC for about 20 years and I'm finally going to see a hand doctor next week. My left thumb has a thick cord from the top to the middle of my palm, plus some dimples along the base of my fingers, but not much on the right hand. Does anyone have info on a Dr. Brent Miller in Arcadia and San Diego or on a Dr. Clark Davis in Pasadena? My internist recommended either one. Thanks.

08/02/2005 23:52

not registered

08/02/2005 23:52

not registered


Let's face it folks, the Vikings were Everywhere...all over the world. Does not matter what or where your background is, they were there in that country at some point.
The only reason we can't account for ancestry with the disease is, that they did not know, and they might have had it and did not know.
I have had two people in my family now, saying " Oh, maybe that is what it was with Uncle Bob " Or Grampa Joe...They just did not know what it was and did not know. I guarantee, someone, in your family has it or had it. This just does not come out of nowhere, it is, inherited. Maybe it is generations back, but , that is where it came from. You just got the gene ! And, it is a Gene. It may be so far back in the family , that you can't account for it. And, just have some kind of trauma to your hand, and it will show up in a flash.
They say, that is what the original Pope's wave is about. with the curled finger.

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