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Epilepsy and dupuytren's
03/23/2003 23:14
03/23/2003 23:14
Epilepsy and dupuytren's

I have read that there is a link between epilepsy and dupuytren's. Does anybody have any info and or family history of both diseases running in the family? I have dupuytren's, my sister has epilepsy, my first cousin has epilepsy and my daughter was just diagnosed with epilepsy. Is this gene somehow related?

04/04/2003 23:35
04/04/2003 23:35

I have just been diagnosed with dupurtren's and my daughter was diagnosed with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. She had no indication of having epilepsy until she was 30 years old.

04/05/2003 23:06
04/05/2003 23:06
~dq~epilepsy and dupuytren~sq~s~dq~

A case can be made for a relationship between every and all ailments with regard to Dupuytren's Contracture. Since D/C runs a gamut through all aspects of society where Vikings implanted their genes it is reasonable to assume that a correlation exists between every disease known to man.

No definitive link has been determined to associate D/C with any other illness to my knowledge has ever been scientifcally proven.

04/17/2003 23:55
04/17/2003 23:55
~dq~epilepsy and dupuytren~sq~s~dq~

Probably just a coinsidence, but it makes one wonder sometimes, doesn't it? We are both female, and women are in the minority of dc patients. Epilepsy isn't all that common either. My daughter is 24 and thought she was having some type of panic attacks since she was 14, but kept this to herself. She had her first full blown seizure at age 24 and finally found out she's had complex partial epilepsy all along. Kind of sounds similar to your situation.

05/24/2003 23:26

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05/24/2003 23:26

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~dq~epilepsy and dupuytren~sq~s~dq~

i have DC and am also epeleptic but was told the reason for the young age the DC started was the medication and on a number of times have been asked if i would change to dilantin bummer is i'm alergic to it so the link might be pheonabarb and DC not really sezures and DC. Gotta ask the doc so many more ?

01/05/2004 23:19
H arr y

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01/05/2004 23:19
H arr y

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Dupuytrens & Epilepsy

Just had surgery on right hand to enable me to hold my hand straight without my ring finger at a 90 degree angle. Prognosis is good but a 6 week healing period required. Then my left hand needs surgery for same.

01/05/2004 23:46
01/05/2004 23:46

Good luck on your recovery. I had same surgery (90 degrees) and my finger is as good as before DC. If you have any questions about recovery, be sure to ask. Exercises, night time splint and hand moisterizers are among the most important.

01/09/2004 23:02
01/09/2004 23:02

Does anyone have any further info?

06/14/2006 23:53

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06/14/2006 23:53

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Dupuytren~sq~s disease and epilepsy

I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 27yrs. after one grand-mal seizure. Since then I have had 4 more grand mal seizures all in one day, (alcohol encouraged), totalling 5 seizures in the last year and 5 months since first diagnosed. It has been over a year since my last bought of seizures and I am taking 450mg of dilantin a day. I have just learned of Dupuytren's disease yesterday from a web site I was reading on epilepsy. I am almost 90% sure I have the disease. I thought I was develping arthritis as every morning I am waking up to a dull deep pain on my right hand, ring finger inside knuckle area. I also realized I have the thickening of the skin aswell. Everything I have read so far says if you are a woman under 50 it is not common, any advice?

06/16/2006 23:12

not registered

06/16/2006 23:12

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Jacqueline, avoid self-diagnosing it, there are many other reasons for nodules in the hand and they all require different treatment.

Unfortunately, 27 is not too young to develop Dupuytren. The majority of people is older but also 10 year old kids (and younger) occasionally develop Dupuytren.

PS: some statistics show that drinking can increasse the chance to develop Dupuytren. If you are able to, stop drinking any alcohol. You will benefit a lot from stopping it.

Epilepsy   definitive   Contracture   determined   occasionally   dupuytren~sq~s~dq~   scientifcally   statistics   diagnosed   self-diagnosing   disease   Unfortunately   correlation   dupuytren~sq~s   Jacqueline   moisterizers   coinsidence   dupuytren   ~dq~epilepsy   relationship