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Is there any ganglion cyst that is hard and not soft?
05/10/2003 23:09
CW Tan

not registered

05/10/2003 23:09
CW Tan

not registered

Is there any ganglion cyst that is hard and not soft?


I am new to this forum.

I would like to know if there is any ganglion cyst that is hard, not soft? I have a lump on the outer edge of my wrist (The intersection of the little finger line(vertival) and the wrist joint line(horizontal)). The lump is on the back of my wrist. It is hard, not soft. It is rather flat and not large. It is not like the ganglion cysys that we usually see. The lump has been there for about 6 months now.

I am a good badminton player and I use a lot of wristwork during badminton games. I went to consult an orthopaedic surgeon a week ago. But he is not sure what it is. He gave me an ambiguous answer by saying that maybe it is a ganlion cyst and maybe it is not. He said ganglion cysts are usually not located there (outer edge of the wrist's back, on little finger side). He had my hand X-rayed, which shows that the hand bone is OK.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could give me some comments.


CW Tan

05/13/2003 23:26
05/13/2003 23:26

Mine dissolved after being struck with a heavy book by a physician.

08/26/2003 23:14
Linda B

not registered

08/26/2003 23:14
Linda B

not registered

hard ganglion cyst

Yesterday I went to an orthopedic doctor for a ganglion cyst (hard as a rock) on the palm of my hand up near the base of my index finger. He stuck a needle in it (several times) and tried to remove fluid, which was not too successful. I asked him how long my hand would be numb because I needed to go back to work. He said about an hour or so. It was quite painful even after the anesthetic.
It is 24 hours later and my index finger down to the site of the ganglion is still numb. I called his office and he said to ice it and it will go away. I have been doing that and it isn't improving. The feeling on the topside of the finger came back sometime in the night, but no more change since I woke up this morning. What should I expect from this and should I see someone else?
Thanks from Michigan.

12/02/2003 23:40
ron b

not registered

12/02/2003 23:40
ron b

not registered

ganglion cyst on side of left foot

I wonder if doctors really know what they are doing. I have bad pain in my foot. My job has me on my feet alot and its killing me. my big toe is numb, and i can hardly move it er. perscribed me vicadan but it still hurts i am wondering if surgery is the best thing. the fot doctor is a jerk and i dont know what to expect can anyone help me

03/17/2004 23:51

not registered

03/17/2004 23:51

not registered

Small hard lump on vulnar side of wrist

Just had surgery on the outside of my wirst. It was hard not soft.It was causing me alot of pain.

04/09/2004 23:27

not registered

04/09/2004 23:27

not registered

Small hard lump on vulnar side of wrist

I have a small hard lump on the vulnar side of my wrist. My Dr. said he doesn't think it's a ganglion cyst because it is on the bone. It is much smaller than the pictures I've seen online of Ganglion Cysts. It has been causeing me excuciating pain on and off for the last month and a half. When it is painful the skin around the lump becomes swollen and red. I have an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon but it will be 3 weeks before he can get me in. Do you have any idea what this could be? Or how I can get some pain relief when the pain is intense? The worst part is it's on my right hand and I have 4 children under the age of 8! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

horizontal   wristwork   orthopaedic   improving   appreciated   Yesterday   appointment   ambiguous   ganglion   appreciate   wondering   physician   successful   excuciating   dissolved   badminton   intersection   perscribed   orthopedic   anesthetic