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need info & advice on w/c caused disease
11/22/2001 23:26
mary brehm

not registered

11/22/2001 23:26
mary brehm

not registered

need info & advice on w/c caused disease

52yr old female. likes beer, but is not alcoholic. No diseases like epilepsy in family. Large family and no one has this. Cut my middle finger of my right hand. went to therapy over 40 times before this reared its ugly head. Am told it is genetic. Found two sites that say trauma or an injury plays a role. need info to decide whether to see a lawyer. any help appreciated. good luck to you all.

05/15/2005 23:49

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05/15/2005 23:49

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I cut my hand with a rose clipper. Some years later DD hit my little finger just above the scar left by the rose cutter. I am sure the injury caused my DD.

11/26/2005 23:52

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11/26/2005 23:52

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Injury caused sudden onset of Dupuytren~sq~s

I was the victim of a rather vicious assault in which I had to fight for my life. In trying to defend myself, the top of my left index finger was bitten off. About a month after surgery, the first swelling appeared and was diagnosed as Dupuytren's. After eighteen months I now have six, all one the injured hand and none on the other. My doctor insists that this has nothing to do with the injury----'scuse me, but I beg to differ, or is it just coincidence?. I would appreciate any data regarding a causal relationship between injury and onset.

11/26/2005 23:22

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11/26/2005 23:22

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My story pales in comparison to Jim's traumatic experience but my DD appeared within a year of one bad swing of the golf club. It resulted in torn tendons in the back side of the left hand. I actually had to give up the game. After a 3 year layoff I'm now playing again from the other side of the ball but that's another story.

After my CHS said that I can thank my Irish side he went on to say that the DD had nothing to do with the golf injury. I had NA from Dr. Eaton on 2-11-05 and at his suggestion went back to the same CHS here in L.A. a few months ago to inject the nodules again. (He is more open to NA than most of the other CHSs reported on this forum but still not sold yet because of the nerve damage issue). When I told him that I have absolutely no doubt that the golf injury "triggered" the DD he didn't argue the point.

11/27/2005 23:09
Wolfgang Wach

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11/27/2005 23:09
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

local trauma triggering Dupuytren

Cited from Moermans' thesis (http://www.ccmbel.org/These.html#intro).

"Local trauma was noted in 9.8% of the patients in this series. McFarlane et al. (1990a) found 14% in their multicentric survey. Mikkelsen (1990) reported 23.8% in his epidemiological survey. We cannot forget however that he surveyed a whole population and not only patients seeking surgical advice for their disease.

The fact that there is no relation between a history of local trauma and a family history or the presence of ectopic sites of the disease would suggest that we are dealing with the same population of patients. The relation found with the involvement of both hands and the age of onset could then be interpreted as the fact that the local trauma acts as a trigger mechanism in predisposed patients. This would fit in very well with the diathesis theory of Hueston who states (1990a): "In the absence of a racial predisposition to Dupuytren's disease, any amount of injury to the hand will fail to produce it"."

11/30/2005 23:58

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11/30/2005 23:58

not registered

Dupuytren~sq~s Disease

I had a accident where a bread knife badly when through the side of my middle finger on the left hand. The wound destroyed the nerves on one side of the finger. The stitching of the wound was not the best. It was stitched vertically instead of horizontally. I had 28 stitches. This accident happened in 2004. This fall I noticed hardened nodules in the palm which the surgeoon assured me has nothing to do with the injury. I was disgnoised with DD and now I am beginnig to feel the constriction of the bands in the palm of my hand. I am East Indian and do not have any Celtic ancestory. If it is a disease common among this nationally, its possible I do have European background somewhere along the way. However, I am confident that my DD is because of the injury.

06/24/2006 23:17
06/24/2006 23:17
Florida Brain Injury Lawyer

Florida-Brain-Injury-Lawyer.info is a new web site that will have information on topics such as <a href="http://florida-brain-injury-lawyer.info">brain injury attorney</a>, <a href="http://florida-brain-injury-lawyer.info">brain injury lawyer</a>, <a href="http://florida-brain-injury-lawyer.info">florida brain injury lawyer</a>, <a href="http://florida-brain-injury-lawyer.info">florida personal injury</a>, <a href="http://florida-brain-injury-lawyer.info">florida personal injury attorney</a>, <a href="http://florida-brain-injury-lawyer.info">florida personal injury lawyer</a>, <a href="http://florida-brain-injury-lawyer.info">head injury lawyer</a>, <a href="http://florida-brain-injury-lawyer.info">personal injury attorneys tampa</a>, <a href="http://florida-brain-injury-lawyer.info">tampa brain injury</a>, <a href="http://florida-brain-injury-lawyer.info">tampa personal injury</a>, <a href="http://florida-brain-injury-lawyer.info">tampa personal injury attorney</a>, <a href="http://florida-brain-injury-lawyer.info">tampa personal injury lawyer</a> and many more. Please let us know what you think of our site.

06/25/2006 23:05

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06/25/2006 23:05

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Ambulance chaser!

06/25/2006 23:02
06/25/2006 23:02

I think excessive masterbation caused my DD. It cramped my hand many times. Then nodes showed up....followed by bent fingers. Too hard to yank it with bent fingers. Too much pain too.

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